viz., Ave have the point D once, the point K nine times, and the antipoints of K, D
three times. But properly the point D is the only focus. The circle 0 is, it would
appear, any circle through K, D, but possibly the particular circle which touches the
cuspidal tangent may be a better representative of the circle 0 of the general case—
the circles R, S, T reduce themselves each to the point K considered as an evanescent
138. The like is the case if the curve be symmetrical, but in the case of the
bicircular quartic excluding the Cartesian; the circle 0 is here the axis, which is in
fact the cuspidal tangent.
139. For the Cartesian, if there is a node N; then of the three foci A, B, C,
two, suppose B and G, coincide with N; the nine foci are A once, JV four times, and
the antipoints of JV, A twice: but properly the point A is the only focus. And if
there be a cusp K; then all the three foci A, B, C coincide with K; and the nine
foci are K nine times; but in fact there is no proper focus.
140. A circular cubic cannot have two nodes unless it break up into a line and
circle; and similarly a bicircular quartic cannot have two nodes (exclusive of course
of the points I, J) unless it break up into two circles; the last-mentioned case will
be considered in the sequel in reference to the problem of tactions.
Article No. 141. As to the Analytical Theory for the Circular Cubic and the Bicircular
Quartic respectively.
141. It may be remarked in regard to the analytical theory about to be given,
that although the investigation is very similar for the circular cubic and for the
bicircular quartic, yet the former cannot be deduced from the latter case. In fact if
for the bicircular quartic, using a form somewhat more general than that which is
ultimately adopted, we suppose that for the two nodes respectively (£ = 0, 2 = 0) and
(y = 0, 2 = 0), then if f-\-mz = 0, lf + m'z — 0, nr)+pz = 0, nrj-\-p'z=0 are the tangents
at the two nodes respectively, the equation Avill be
{If + mz) {If + m'z) (nr) +pz) (nr) +p'z) + ezfrj + 2 3 (a% + bij) + cz i = 0,
and if (in order to make this equation divisible by 2, and the curve so to break up
into the line 2=0 and a cubic) Ave write 1 = 0 or n = 0, then the curve Avill indeed
break up as required, but Ave shall have, not the general cubic through the two points
(|=0, 2 = 0), (rj = 0, 2 = 0), but in each case a nodal cubic, viz., if ¿ = 0 there Avill be
a node at the point (77 = 0, 2 = 0), and if n = 0 a node at the point (£ = 0, 2 = 0).
Article Nos. 142 to 144. Analytical Theory for the Circular Cubic.
142. I consider then the tAvo cases separately; and first the circular cubic. The
equation may be taken to be
fy (pZ + qy) + ez%y 4- 2 2 (ag + brj + cz) = 0,