Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 6)

the line of centres is the axis of the curve, but the centres A, B, G are not the foci, 
except in the case a" = 0, b" = 0, c" = 0, where the circles vanish. The condition for 
l, m, n is satisfied if l : m : n = (b — c) 2 : (c - a) 2 : (a — b) 2 ; these values, writing 
fl : fm : fn = b — c : c — a : a — b, give not only V/ + Vm + V?i = 0, but also 
afl + bfm + cfn = 0; these are the conditions for a branch containing (z 2 = 0) the 
line infinity twice; the equation 
(b — c) V(x — az) 2 + y 2 — a" 2 z 2 + (c — a) V(x — bz) 2 + y 2 — b" 2 z 2 + (a — b)\f(x — cz) 2 + y 2 — c" 2 z 2 = 0, 
is thus that of a conic, and if a” = 0, b" = 0, c" = 0, then the curve reduces itself to 
y 2 = 0, the axis twice. 
165. If il is not =0, then we have 
l : m : n = (/3 - 7) (/3' - 7') : (7 - a) (7' - <*■') : (a - ft) («' - /3')> 
viz., I, m, n are as the squared distances BC 2 , CA 2 , AB 2 , say as f 2 : g 2 : h 2 ; or when 
the centres of the given circles A, B, G are not in a line, then f g, h being the 
distances BG, CA, AB of these centres from each other, we have, touching each of 
the given circles twice, the single Cartesian 
/Vr +g *JW+h Vg 5 = 0, 
which, in the particular case where the radii a", b", c" are each = 0, becomes 
/V21 4-^V33 4-AV® =0, 
viz., this is the circle through the points A, B, G, say the circle ABG, twice. 
Article Nos. 166 to 169. Investigation of the Foci of a Conic represented by 
an Equation in Areal Coordinates. 
166. I premise as follows: Let A, B, G be any given points, and in regard to 
the triangle ABG let the areal coordinates of a current point P be u, v, w; that is, 
writing PBG, &c., for the areas of these triangles, take the coordinates to be 
u : v : to = PBG : PCA : PAB, 
or, what is the same thing in the rectangular coordinates (a, y, z= 1), if 
(a, a', 1), (6, b', 1), (c, c, 1), 
be the coordinates of A, B, C respectively, take 
u : v : tv = 
V, z 
x, y , z 
X, y, z 
b, b\ 1 
c, d, 1 
a, a, 1 
c, c', 1 
a, a, 1 
b, b‘1 
C. VI. 

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