Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 6)

Article Nos. 184 and 185. Case of the Circular Cubic. 
184. In the case of a circular cubic, we must have 
P “ 7) ( a ~ $) + o- (7 - a) (¡3 - 8) + t (a - /9) (7 - 8) = 0, 
Vap (¡3 — 7) + V/3cr (7 — a) 4- V77- (a — /3) = 0, 
which, when the foci A, B, C, D are given, determine the values of p : cr : t in order 
that the curve may be a circular cubic. We see at once that there are two sets of 
values, and consequently two circular cubics having each of them the given points 
A, B, C, D for a set of concyclic foci. The two systems may be written 
Vp : Ver : Vt = VaS — V/S7 : f ¡38 —fya. : V78 —Va/3, 
viz., it being understood that Va.8 means Vac.VS, &c., then, according as f8 has one 
or other of its two opposite values, we have one or other of the two systems of 
values of p : a : r. To verify this, observe that writing the equation under the form 
f ap : V/3a : fyr — af 8 — Va/3y : ¡3 f8 — f a.f3y : 7 ^8 — V a/3y, 
the second equation is verified; and that writing them under the form 
p : a : r = — (¡3 4- 7) (a 4- 8) + M : — (7 4- a) (¡3 4- S) + M : — (a 4- /3) (7 4- 8) + M, 
M = /87 + a.8 4- yet. 4- /38 + a/3 + y8 — 2 V aj3y8, 
the second equation is also verified. 
185. If we assume for a moment a = cos a + i sin a = e ia , &c., viz., if a, b, c, d be 
the inclinations to any fixed line of the radii through A, B, C, D respectively, then we 
f (X.8 4 VBy — (a+b+c+dji jgi(a+ci—b—c)i _j_ q—\(a+d—b—c)i| 
Va (/3—7) = gh(a+b+c)i c)i g—i(b—c)i | ( 
and thence 
\'<xp (/3 — 7) : V/3cr (7 — a.) : Vyr (a — (3) = cos £ (a + d - b — c) sin |(6 — c) 
: cos | (b 4- d — c — a) sin | (c — a) 
: cos \(c 4- d — a — b) sin \ (a — b); 
or else 
= sin J (a 4- d — b — c) sin \{b — c ) 
: sin £ (b 4- d — c — a) sin 4 (c — a) 
: sin l (c 4- d — a — b) sin \ (a — b). 
Putting in these formulae, 
i (a — b — c) = A, then we have B — C = ^ (b — c), 
l(b — c — a) = B, „ C — A = £ (c — a), 
\(c — a —b) = C, „ A -B = ± (a -b),

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