Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 7)

then if (A, B, G, F, G, H) be the coordinates of a tractor of these lines, we have 
(F, G, H, A, B, 0$a, b, c,f,g, h) = 0, 
(F, G, H, A, B, CT&ck, K *,/1, <7i, M = 
(F, G, H, A, B, G\a 3 , b ± , c 2 , /„ g 2 , K) = 0, 
(F, G, H, A, B, G\a 3 , b 3 , c 3 , f 3> g 3 , h 3 ) = 0. 
In virtue of these relations the ratios A : B : C : F : G : H are given linear 
functions of any one of these ratios or of an arbitrary ratio u : v; and we then have 
AF -f BG + CH — 0, a quadric equation for determining the unknown ratio. In the 
case of a twofold tractor, this equation must have equal roots; whence employing as 
usual the method of indeterminate multipliers, we find 
A Ait 4~ Ajfti 4~ A 2 ft 2 4- Ay^ = 0, 
B 4~ Ab 4" A4~ A 2 6 2 4" A 3 b 3 = 0, 
G 4" Ac 4" A^Ci 4“ A 2 c 2 4- A 3 c 3 = 0, 
F + \f 4- Axfx + A 2 / 2 4- A 3 f 3 = 0, 
G 4- A^r 4- A 1 g 1 4- A 2 y 2 4- A 3 g 3 = 0, 
H 4- A/i 4" Aj/ij 4~ A 2 A 2 4" A 3 h 3 —— 0. 
Hence representing as before the moments of the pairs of lines by 01, 02, &c., 
we deduce 
. AjOl 4" A 2 02 4" A 2 Q3 = 0, 
AIO4- . 4- A 2 12 4- A 3 13 = 0, 
A20 4- Aj21 . 4- A 3 23 = 0, 
A30 4- A^l 4- A 2 32 . = 0, 
so that, as already mentioned, we have 
as the condition that the four given lines may have a twofold tractor. 
Article Nos. 54 to 56. Hyperboloid passing through three given lines. 
54. The direct investigation is somewhat tedious; but I write down, and will 
afterwards verify, the equation of the hyperboloid passing through the three given lines 
(ftj, bi, Ci, f\, g u hi), (ft 2 , b 2 , c 2 , f 2 , g 2) h. 2 ), (ft 3 , b 3 , c 3 , f 3 , g 3 , h 3 ). 
Writing for shortness (agh), &c. to denote the determinants 
<h, 9u 
ft 2 , 9 2 > 
a», 9s, 
h 3

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