and with either arrangement we may form one and the same determinant, the Jacobian
determinant J (P, Q, P, S), or, equating it to zero, the Jacobian surface J(P, Q, R, £) = 0,
of the four surfaces.
2. In the case of more than four surfaces, adopting the arrangement
p, Q, n, s, t, ..
8 y
8 Z
and considering the several determinants which can be formed with any four columns
of the matrix, these equated to zero establish a more than one-fold relation between
the coordinates ; viz., in the case of five surfaces, we have J(P, Q, R, S, T) = 0, a
twofold relation representing a curve ; and in the case of six surfaces, J(P, Q, R, S, T, U)=0,
a threefold relation representing a point-system; and (since with four coordinates a
relation is at most threefold) these are the only cases to be considered.
3. In the case of fewer than four surfaces, adopting the arrangement
8x> $y> $z> ^w
and considering the several determinants which can be formed with any 3 or 2 columns
of the matrix, and equating these to zero, we have in like manner a more than one
fold relation between the coordinates; viz., in the case of three surfaces, we have
J (P, Q, R) = 0, a twofold relation representing a curve; and in the case of two
surfaces J (P, Q) = 0, a threefold equation representing a point-system, (viz., this
denotes the points 8 X P : 8 y P : 8 Z P : 8 W P = 8 X Q : 8 y Q : 8 Z Q : 8 W Q); for a single surface
we should have a fourfold relation, and the case is not considered. But observe that
if the notation were used, J (P) = 0 would denote 8 X P = 0, 8 y P = 0, 8 Z P = 0, 8 W P = 0,
equations which are satisfied simultaneously by the coordinates (x, y, z, w) of any
node of the surface P = 0. Although in what precedes I have used the sign =, there
is no objection to using, and I shall in the sequel use, the ordinary sign =, it being
understood that while J (P, Q, R, S) = 0 denotes a single equation or onefold relation,
J (P, Q, R, S, T) — 0 or J (P, Q, R) = 0 will each denote a twofold relation, and
J(P, Q, R, S, T, U) = 0 or J (P, Q) = 0 each of them a threefold relation.
4. It is not asserted that ... J(P, Q, R) = 0, J(P, Q, R, S) = 0, J(P, Q, R, S, T) = 0,...
form a continuous series of analogous relations; and there might even be a propriety
in using, in regard to four or more surfaces, J, and in regard to four or fewer surfaces
an inverted J (viz., in regard to four surfaces, either symbol indifferently); but there
is no ambiguity in, and I have preferred to adopt, the use of the single symbol J.