change of (x, y) and (x', y); that is, in the case of a double united point, the
transformation is essentially unsymmetrical.
By what precedes, if the other fixed point be taken to be at infinity, the coordi
nates x : y and x : y' may be taken to be p, p respectively; viz., p, p will denote
the distances of the points P, P' from the double united point A ; and the equation
of correspondence then becomes pp + b (p — p) = 0 ; that is, (p — b) (// + b) + b 2 = 0.
21. The original equation axx' + byx' + cxy + dyy' — 0 can be reduced to the
inverse form xx' — yy' = 0 only (it is clear) in the symmetrical case b = c; here, trans
forming to the united points, the equation is, by what precedes {ante, No. 17) xy+x'y = 0.
This equation can be written {lx + my) {lx' 4- my) — {lx — my) {lx' — my') = 0, where l : m
is arbitrary ; viz., we have thus an equation of the required form.
22. In further explanation, start from the equation app + b {p + p) + d — 0 ; that
is, {ap + b) {ap' +b) + ad — b 2 = 0, or say {p — a) {p - a) — k 2 — 0 ; this may be reduced to
pp —1 = 0; viz., the point 0 from which are measured the distances p, p is here the
mid-point between the two united points A, B; and the unit of distance is \AB\
the equation expresses that the points P, P', harmonics in regard to the two points
A, B, are the images one of the other in regard to the circle described upon AB
as diameter. Take any two corresponding points L, L'; if the distances of these be
A, A', we have AA' = 1 ; and hence
(p — A ) {p — A ) = 1 — A (p + p ) + A 2 = A (A+A p — p),
(p - A') (p' - A') = l - A' (p + p') + A /2 = A' (A + A' — p — p') ;
p — A p — A A
p — A' p' — A' ’
x Jc (p — A) x' k {p — A)
y Py P ~ x
k 2 — ^-,{so that k 2 ^1); or, k = \ = —,,
becomes xx' -yy' = 0; that is, the correspondence of the points P, P' being symmetrical,
if the coordinate - of P be taken to be a multiple of the ratio of the distances
PL, PL' of P from any two corresponding points L, L' (and of course the coordinate
—, of P' to be the same multiple of the ratio of the distances P'L, P'L'), the equation
of correspondence is obtained in the inverse form xx' — yy = 0.
and consequently
which, writing
The Rational Transformation between Two Planes.
23. Starting from the equations x : y' : z = X : Y : Z, where X — 0, Y= 0, Z=0
are curves in the first plane, of the same order n, it has been seen that in order
that we may thence have a rational transformation between the two planes, the curves