which occur in the
1866), pp. 461—472,
[From the Philosophical Magazine, vol. xxxvi. (1868), pp. 848—351.]
as follows:
The following 1 is, it appears to me, the proper form in which to present the
solution of Riccati’s equation.
The equation may be written
+ V 2 = x lq ~ 2 ,
ax d
which is integrable by algebraic and exponential functions if (2i + 1)^ = ± 1, i being zero.,
or a positive integer. To effect the integration, writing y = - ~ , we have
'll/ QjX
ax 1
The peculiar advantage of this well-known transformation has not (so far as I am aware)
been explicitly stated ; it puts in evidence the form under which the sought-for function
y contains the constant of integration. In fact if u = P, u = Q be two particular solutions
of the equation in u, then the general solution is u = CP + DQ; and denoting by
P', Q' the derived functions, the value of y is
B x , 8 y , and P for B
ly operator such as
?hus E^E^*, if we
*, i.e. (E 1 *)x(E 2 *),
OF + DQ'
y ~ CP +DQ ’
showing the form under which the constant of integration C -4- D is contained in y.
To complete the solution, assume
u = ze q ;
C. Vil.