irreducible covariant (a,. .) 8 (x, y) w . The theory being thus in error, by reason that it
omits to take account of the interconnexion of the syzygies, there is no difficulty in
conceiving that the effect is the introduction of an infinite series of non-existent
irreducible covariants, which, when the error is corrected, will disappear, and there will
be left only a finite series of irreducible covariants.
Although I am not able to make this correction in a general manner so as to
show from the theory that the number of the irreducible covariants is finite, and so
to present the theory in a complete form, it nevertheless appears that the theory can
be made to accord with the facts; and I reproduce the theory, as well to show that
this is so as to exhibit certain new formulae which appear to me to place the theory
in its true light. I remark that although I have in my Second Memoir considered
the question of finding the number of irreducible covariants of a given degree 6 in
the coefficients but of any order whatever in the variables, the better course is to
separate these according to their order in the variables, and so consider the question
of finding the number of the irreducible covariants of a given degree 6 in the
coefficients, and of a given order /r in the variables. (This is, of course, what has to
be done for the enumeration of the irreducible covariants of a given quantic; and
what is done completely for the quadric, the cubic, and the quartic, and for the quintic
up to the degree 6 in my Eighth Memoir, Phil. Trans. 1867, [405].) The new formulae
exhibit this separation; thus (Second Memoir, No. 49), writing a instead of x, we
have for the quadric the expression ^ — a)(l —a 2 )’ s ^ 0W ^ n S that we have irreducible
covariants of the degrees 1 and 2 respectively, viz. the quadric itself and the dis-
-, showing that the covariants in
criminant: the new expression is jz zr-rz-
r (1 — ax 2 ) (1 — a 2 )
question are of the actual forms (a, . .][x, y) 2 and (a, . .) 2 respectively. Similarly for
1 — a 6
the cubic, instead of the expression No. 55, ^ ^ — a 3 ) (1 — a 3 ) (1 — a 4 ) ’ We ^ ave
; - , exhibiting the irreducible covariants of the forms
(i — ax 3 ) (1 — a 2 x 2 ) (1 — a 3 x 3 ) (1 — a 4 )
(a,. .Jx, y) 3 , (a,. .) 3 (x, yf, {a. .) 3 (x, y) 3 , and (a, . .) 4 , connected by a syzygy of the form
(a, . .f (x, yf; and the like for quantics of a higher order.
In the present Ninth Memoir I give the last-mentioned formulse; I carry on the
theory of the quintic, extending the Table No. 82 of the Eighth Memoir up to the
degree 8, calculating all the syzygies, and thus establishing the interconnexions in
virtue of which it appears that there are really no irreducible covariants of the forms
{a, . .) 8 (x, yf 4 , and (a, . .*%», yf°. I reproduce in part Gordan’s theory so far as it
applies to the quintic, and I give the expressions of such of the 23 covariants
as are not given in my former memoirs; these last were calculated for me by
Mr W. Barrett Davis, by the aid of a grant from the Donation Fund at the disposal
of the Royal Society. [The expressions referred to are in fact printed, 143.] The
paragraphs of the present memoir are numbered consecutively with those of the former
memoirs on Quantics.