from the formula (II.) into the formula (II.) 7 , p. 267, viz. the incorrect factor
A.®(l+y 2 )£ is there replaced by its value q; whereas, the true value being A 3 (l+y 2 ) 3 ,
the factor in (II.)' should be = •
The corrected formula (II.)' is
— — 8u.= — Q' —- e - 2 cos(cv — fmdv)
av 2 1 + 7 2 J
+? {a+O'*-^(i+«■)'*}
„ . -r, r,. „ (dii, d8u\ n
+ S' (Rt + RJ-S , ( W + W )
- 2¡i 2 + Su + q (1 + $/)”* - cos ( cv ~ f OTciy )| j
— Pqy 3 (1 + 7 2 ) -1 (1 + 6'/) _ “ (1 — 2ya 2 J R, dv) x
|l 7 2 ~ (1 + i r f) cos ~ ^ j s 7 2 cos (ty v ~ ^
Observing that P is of the order to 2 , and that q is approximately equal to unity,
the error in + Bu is of the order to 2 7 4 , as noticed above. It may be right to
mention that I obtained the correction in the first instance by starting from the
fundamental equations, and not as here from the intermediate equation (6), so that
there is not in that equation any error afterwards implicitly corrected in the trans
formation to (Il.y.