Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 7)

It appears to me not impossible but that the foregoing form of equation, 
(x 2 + if + z 2 ) (p + p — 2a) — (P — P') 2 — 2 {p — er) P — 2 (p — a) P' + pp' — ar = 0, 
for the umbral or penumbral cone might present some advantage in reference to the 
calculation of the phenomena of an eclipse over the Earth generally: but in order to 
obtain in the most simple manner the equation of the same cone referred to a set 
of principal axes, I proceed as follows: 
Then, if 
a = be' — b'c, 
b = ca' — c'a, 
c = ab' — a'b, 
(and therefore 
f = a — a, 
g=b - b', 
h = c — c, 
af + bg + ch = 0). 
(bh — eg) x + (cf — ah) y + (ag — bf) z 
Va 2 + b 2 + c 2 Vf 2 + g 2 + h 2 
a# + by + cz 
Va 2 + b 2 + c 2 ’ 
£x + gy + h z 
Vf 2 +g 2 + h 2 ’ 
X, F, Z, will be coordinates referring to a new set of rectangular axes; viz., the 
origin is, as before, at the centre of the Earth, the axis of Z is parallel to the line 
joining the centres of the Sun and Moon; the axis of X cuts at right angles the 
last-mentioned line; and the axis of F is perpendicular to the plane of the other 
two axes; or, what is the same thing, to the plane through the centres of the Earth, 
Sun, and Moon. 
The coordinates of the vertex of the cone are therefore X Q , F 0 , Z 0 , where these 
denote what the foregoing values of X, Y, Z, become on substituting therein for x, y, z, 
the values 
k'a + ka' k'b + kb' k'c + lcc 
V+ k ’ k' + k ’ k' + k ’ 
and the equation of the cone therefore is 
(Z - X 0 ) 2 + (F- F d ) 2 = tan 2 X(Z- Z 0 ) 2 , 
sin A, = 
k' + k 
G ’ 

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