Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 7)

Solution by the Proposer. 
The equation may be transformed into the form 
(— 8x + y + zf -f (x — 8y + zf + (x + y - 8z) 3 = 0, 
and it thence follows immediately that the stationary tangents are the lines 
— 8x + y + z = 0, x — 8y + z — 0, x + y— 8z =0, 
respectively, and that the three points of contact, or inflexions, are the intersections of 
these lines with the line x + y + z = 0. 
In fact, writing 
X — kx + y + z, Y = x + ky +z, Z = x + y + kz, 
we have identically 
(X+Y + Z) 3 -27XYZ 
= (k + 2) 3 (x + y + z) 3 — 27 (kx + y + z) (x + ky + z) (x + y + kz), 
= (a: 3 + y 3 + z 3 ) {(& + 2) 3 — 27&} 
+ 3 (yz 3 + y 3 z 4- zx 2 -\- z 2 x + xy 1 + x?y) {(A; + 2) 3 — 9 (k 2 + k + 1)} 
+ 3 xyz {2 (k + 2) 3 — 9 (k 3 + Sk + 2)} 
= (k— l) 2 (k+8)(x? + y 3 + z 3 )+3(k — l) 3 (yz 2 + y 3 z -\-zx 2 -\-z 2 x -\-xy 2 + x 2 y)—S(k— 1) 2 (7k + 2)xyz. 
Hence, writing k = — 8, we have 
(X + F+ Z'Y — 27XYZ = — 2187 {yz 2 + y 2 z + zx 2 + z 2 x + xy 2 + x 2 y — 6xyz], 
= — 2187 [x (y — z) 2 + y (z — x) 2 + z(x — y) 2 }. 
The equation of the given curve is therefore 
(X +Y+ Z) 3 — 27XYZ = 0, or X h + Y k + Z* = 0, 
where of course X, Y, Z have the values 
X = — 8 x + y + z, Y = x — 8y + z, Z = x + y — 8z. 
[Vol. vi. pp. 35—39.] 
1990. (Proposed by Professor Sylvester.)—Prove that the three points in which 
a circular cubic is cut by any transversal are the foci of a Cartesian oval passing 
through the four foci of the cubic. 
Solution by Professor Caylev. 
Some preliminary explanations are required in regard to this remarkable theorem. 
1. I call to mind that a circular cubic (or cubic through the two circular points 
at infinity) has 16 foci, which lie 4 together on 4 different circles; and that the

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