Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 7)

Now the tangential equation of the envelope of the line which cuts harmonically the 
last-mentioned two conics, is 
(be' + b'c - 2ff, . , . gh! + g'h ~af - af,. , .$£, y, D 2 5 
or substituting for a &c. a' &c., their values, it is found that the coefficients of this 
equation have all of them the common factor 29-, and that omitting this factor the 
equation is independent of 6, viz. the tangential equation of the envelope in question is 
(1, -k-d\ h-a\ 0, lc (2k — 1) a 2 , 0$£ y, £) 2 = 0, 
which proves the theorem. 
3. In ‘particular, if Jc = 1, that is if the points A, B lie on the conic xz—y* — 0, 
then the tangential equation of the envelope is 
that is 
(1, - a 2 , a 4 , 0, a 2 , y, = 0, 
p_ a Y + a 4 ^ 2 + 2a 2 ^=0; 
or, what is the same thing, the equation is 
(£ ~ + a 2 0 (f + ay + a 2 £) = 0, 
and thus the envelope breaks up into the two points 
£ — ay + a 2 £ = 0, £ + -f a 2 £ = 0 ; 
that is, the points (1, —a, a 2 ) and (1, a, a 2 ), which are the points A and B respectively. 
That is, in the problem in its original form, if the points A and B are the 
extremities of a diameter of a given circle, then the two constructed circles are a 
pair of orthotomic circles with the centres A and B respectively; and the theorem is 
the very obvious one, that any line through the centre of either circle cuts the two 
circles harmonically. 
[Vol. vn. pp. 52, 53.] 
2270. (Proposed by Professor Cayley.)—To reduce the equation of a bicircular 
quartic into the form SS' — k 3 L = 0, where S = 0, S' =0 are the equations of two circles, 
L = 0 the equation of a line. (See Salmon’s Higher Plane Curves, p. 128.) 
Solution by the Proposer. 
The equation of a bicircular quartic may be taken to be 
(.x 2 + y-y + (Ui + Mo) (a 2 + y~) + v 2 + v r + v 0 = 0, 
where, and in what follows, the subscript numbers denote the degrees in the coordinates 
(x, y) of the several functions to which they are attached.

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