3 form For instance, n = 4 ; partitions of (a, b, c, d) into two parts are (a, bed), (b, eda),,
(c, dab), (d, abc), (ab, cd), (ac, db), (ad, be) ; no. is = 7. Partitions into three parts are
(ab, c, d), (ac, b, d), (ad, b, c), (be, a, d), (b, d, ac), (cd, a, b) ; no. is = 6. Partition into
4 parts is (a, b, c, d) ; no. is = 1. And we have
1-1.7 + 2.6-6.1 = 13-13 = 0.
g equal to
may take
> 0 ; and we
0, U' = 0
e equation
a) (S' - a')
S'- a'= 0
n UU' = 0
at infinity
= 0, q' = 0
1 therefore
the curve
, the line
point at
Solution by the Proposer.
Write n= aa + 6/3 + cy +..., where a, /3, 7... are positive integers all of them
different, and a, /3, 7... are positive integers; and consider the partitions wherein we
have a parts each of a things, b parts each of ¡3 things, &c. Writing as usual
II (n) =1.2.3 ...n, the number of partitions of the form in question is
~Ua.llb...(Ua) a (U/3) b ... ’
whence, putting for shortness a + /3 + ... = p, the theorem may be written
II (p — 1) Tin
lia. 115 ... (IIa) № (II/3) 6 ..
= 0,
the summation extending to all the partitions n = aa + b/3 + ... , as explained above.
Now if the n quantities x, y, z,... are the wth roots of unity, we have x + y + z ... =0,
and therefore also (x + y + z...) n =0, and the general term of the left-hand is
(na) a (n^) 6 ...^ №/36 '“^
where [a a /3 6 ...] denotes the symmetrical function 1 t x a y a ...(a factors) uPv&... (b factors)...
of the roots x, y, z, u, y...of the equation 6 71 —1 = 0; where, as above, n= aa + b/3 + ... .
Now by a formula not, I believe, generally known, but which is given on p. 175 of
the translation of Hirsch’s Algebra (Hirsch’s Collection of Examples &c. on the Literal
Calculus and Algebra, translated by the Rev. J. A. Ross, London, 1827), the value of
the sum in question is = (— n > where p = a + b+ ..., (the sign +, given
in the formula as quoted, is at once seen to be (—)^ _1 ); whence, substituting and
omitting the factor n, we have
II (p — 1) Tin
Tla. Tib ... (IIa) a (II/3) 6
= 0,
which is the required theorem.
Observation. In Cauchy’s Exercices d’Analyse &c., t. 111., p. 173, is given a
formula relating to the same mode of partition of the number n, viz. this is
lia. 116 ... a a /3 b ...
= Tin.
,rts) = 0.