form of the curve of intersection of the surface by any other sphere having the same
centre, and thence the form of the surface itself (being a particular case of Steiner’s
surface, and which by the homographie transformations w~ x x, w~ l y, w~ l z for sc, y, z
gives y 2 z 2 + z-x 2 + x 2 y 2 — 2wxyz = 0, the general equation of Steiner’s surface).
Solution by the Proposer.
Take X, X', Y, Y’, Z, Z' the intersections of the sphere x 2 + y 2 + z 2 = 1 by the
three axes respectively; then we have x 2 + y 2 + z 2 = 1, x + y+z — — 1, the equations of
the circle through the points X', Y', Z'; and from these two equations we deduce
yz + zx-\-xy = 0, and thence
that is
y-z 1 + z-x 1 4- x 2 y 2 + Ixyz (x + y + z) = 0,
y-z 1 + z 1 x <1 + x-y- — 2 xyz = 0 ;
so that the circle lies on the quartic surface; and by changing successively the signs
of each two of the three coordinates, we have three other circles lying on the sphere
and also on the quartic surface; viz. we have in all four circles; the above-mentioned
circle through (X', Y', Z'), and three other circles through (XY, Z), (X, Y', Z),
(X, Y, Z') respectively, making together a curve of the order 8, the complete inter
section of the quartic surface by the sphere.
The quartic surface lies entirely in the four octants of space xyz, xy'z', xyz', x'y'z;
and as to the portion of the surface which lies in the octant xyz, this meets the
sphere x 2 + y 2 + z 2 = 1 in portions of the three circles (X\ Y, Z) {X, Y', Z) (X, Y, Z')
constituting a tricuspidal form lying within the octant XYZ as shown in the figure.
The intersection by a sphere, radius < 1, projected on the octant XYZ, is a trinodal
form, lying outside the tricuspidal one, as shown by a dotted line in the figure; the
intersection by a sphere radius > 1, projected in the same way, is a trigonoid form
lying inside the tricuspidal one, as also shown by a dotted line in the figure; as the
radius approaches to and ultimately becomes
V3 ’
this diminishes, and becomes
ultimately a mere point, and Avhen the radius is greater than this value the intersection
is imaginary.
Imagine on the solid sphere, radius = 1, the four tricuspidal forms lying in
alternate octants as above; cut away down to the centre the portions lying without