the same
x, y, z
1 by the
uations of
re deduce
the signs
he sphere
f, Y', Z),
ete inter-
yz, xyz;
neets the
X, Y, Z')
he figure,
a, trinodal
gure; the
loid form
e; as the
lying in
r without
these tricuspidal forms; and build up on the tricuspidal forms, until the greatest
distance from the centre becomes = — ; we have a solid figure with four prominences
situate as the summits of a tetrahedron, the bounding surface whereof is the surface
in question: it is to be added that the axes are nodal lines on the surface, viz. the
portions which lie within the solid figure are the intersections of two real sheets of
the surface, the portions which lie without the solid figure are isolated, or acnodal, lines
on the surface.
[Yol. ix. pp. 73, 74.]
2573. (Proposed by Professor Cayley.)—The envelope of a variable circle having
for its diameter the double ordinate of a rectangular cubic is a Cartesian.
[Definition. The expression “a rectangular cubic” is used to express a cubic with
three real asymptotes, having a diameter at right angles to one of the asymptotes and
at an angle of 45° to each of the other two asymptotes, viz. the equation of such a
cubic is xy- = a? + bx 2 + cx + d.}
Solution by the Proposer.
The equation of the variable circle may be taken to be
(x — 6) 2 + y 2 = 6 2 — 2 md + a +
6 ’
viz. 6 being the abscissa of the rectangular cubic, the squared ordinate is taken to
be = ^(0 3 — 2m6 2 + u9 + 2A), or, what is the same thing, the equation of the variable
circle is
2 A
x 2 + y 2 — a — 2(x — m) 6 —= 0.
Hence, taking the derived equation in regard to 6, we have
x — m — ^ = 0,
and thence
x 2 + y 2 — a
6 ’
16^1 2
{x 2 + y 2 — a) 2 = = 16 A (x — m);
that is, the equation of the envelope is
(x 2 + y 2 — ol) 2 — 16A (x — to) = 0,
which is a known form of the equation of a Cartesian.