Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 8)

Hence for the curve in question the equation of the normal is 
{(Jc - 1) a!6* - WO*-' + 7 '} {(/3X - aY) 0* + (aZ-yX) 0 + ( 7 F- /3Z)} 
+ {(Jc -1) aO* - WO*-' + 7}. {W'X - a' Y) 6* + (a'Z- y'X) 0 + (y'Y- f3'Z)} = 0, 
or, expanding and reducing, this equation is 
0-* .(Jc- 1) {(a/3' + a'/3) X — 2aa' F} 
+ &*-'. - Jc {‘2/3/3'X - (a/3' + ol'/3) Y} 
+ 6* +1 . (Jc — 1) {2 aa' Z — (ay + ay) X] 
+ 0*. {(Jc + 1) (£7' + ffy)X + (Jc- 2) (ya' + y'a) Y-(2Jc-l)(a/3' + af/3) Z} 
+ 0*-'. - Jc {(/3y' + ¡3'y) Y - 2/3/3'Z] 
+ 0 . i(7 a/ + 7 a ) Z — 2yy'X{ 
+ {277 F - (/3y' + /3'y) Z} = 0, 
where & is a positive integer not less than 2; hence except in the case Jc = 2, all 
the terms 0-*, 0-*~',...0, 0°, have different indices, and the coefficients Jc — 1, Jc, &c. 
none of them vanish; if however Jc = 2, then the terms 6“*~', 0* +1 coalesce into a single 
term, as do also the terms 6*~ 1 and 0; moreover the coefficient Jc — 2 is =0. 
The evolute is the envelope of the line represented by the foregoing equation, 
considering therein 0 as an arbitrary parameter; viz. the equation is obtained by 
equating to zero the discriminant of the foregoing equation in 0. Hence in general 
the class of the evolute is =2Jc, and its order is =2 (21c— 1); results which agree 
with the formulae for n", m", since in the present case m + n, =Jc + Jc, = 21c, a — Sn + k, 
= oJc + (Jc — 2), = YJc — 2. And moreover there are not any inflexions, t" = 0 as before. 
The equation may however contain a factor in 6 independent of (X, F, Z), and 
throwing out this factor, say its order is = s, the expression for the class is 2Jc — s, 
= m + n — s, and that for the order is — 2 — 2s, = a — 2s. Moreover, in the original 
equation or in the equation thus reduced, it may happen that the equation will on 
writing therein il = 0 (il a linear function of X, Y, Z) acquire a factor of the order 
(w, independent of (X, Y, Z); the line fl = 0 is in this case a stationary tangent, 
= a) — 1 inflexions; and the discriminant contains the factor il" -1 , which may be thrown 
out; that is we have here n" = 2Jc — s, 1" = co - 1, m" — Yk — 2 — 2s — (a> — 1); agreeing 
with the relation m" — 2n" + 2 + l" = 0 which holds good in virtue of the evolute being 
a unicursal curve. It is in this manner that the values of m", n", t" are obtained 
in the several cases to be considered, viz. : 
Ah Inflexion situate on IJ, which is not a tangent. 
Bje Inflexion situate on IJ, which is a tangent. 
G k Cusp situate on IJ, which is not a tangent. 
D k Cusp situate on IJ, which is a tangent. 
P k Inflexion at J, IJ not a tangent. 
Q k Inflexion at J, IJ a tangent. 
14 Cusp at J, IJ not a tangent. 
S k Cusp at J, IJ a tangent.

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