Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 8)

giving four intersections. But the intersections by the line by + cz = 0 (that is, by any 
line through the point y = 0, z = 0) are obtained from the equation 6f £ + c£ 2 = 0 ; viz. 
this breaks up into 6£+c£=0, £=0, and the last factor combined with the equation 
of the circle gives £ = 0, f 2 + rf = 0, the two circular points at infinity, corresponding 
each to the point y — 0, z = 0: the other factor gives points corresponding to two 
variable points on the curve; that is, a line through the point y = 0, z — 0 meets the 
curve in this point twice and in two other points. Again, making 6 = 0, or taking the 
line to be the line at infinity z = 0, the equations then are £ 2 = 0, p + r/ 2 =0; viz. we 
then have the circular points at infinity each twice, corresponding to the point y = 0, 
z = 0 four times, and no other point; that is, the line z=0 meets the curve in the 
point y — 0, z = 0 four times. We thus see that the curve has at y — 0, z = 0, that is 
at infinity on the line y — 0, a tacnode (counting as two nodes), the tangent at this 
point being the line at infinity z = 0. The curve being trinodal has of course one 
other node.

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