Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 8)

The Chief Lines are not in general Geodesics. 
10. That the chief lines are not in general geodesics appears most readily as 
To find the condition in order that p = const, may be a geodesic, we write in the 
geodesic equation p' = 0, p" = 0 : the equation thus becomes 
Fq'. GV/ 2 - Gq' (2F, - G 1 ) q 2 = 0; 
that is we have 
FG 2 — 2 F 2 G + GGi = 0 
as the condition in order that p = const, may be a geodesic: the condition that it 
may be a chief curve is G' = 0, which is a different condition. 
We have of course, in like manner, 
2EF 1 - EfF - EE2 = 0 
as the condition in order that q = const, may be a geodesic; and E' — 0 as the 
condition that this may be a chief curve. If p — const., q — const, are each of them 
at once a geodesic and a chief curve, then the four equations must all be satisfied, 
viz. we must have 
FG 2 - 2F a G + GG X = 0, 2EF 1 - E,F— EE2 = 0, 
G' = 0, E' = 0. 
Special Form of the Geodesic Equation. 
11. In the case where the curves p = const., q = const, intersect at right angles 
(and in particular when these are the curves of curvature), we have F = 0; whence 
also F 1 = 0, F 2 = 0; and the geodesic equation assumes the more simple form, 
Ep' (— E. 2 p‘ 2 + 2G 1 pq + Gof 2 ) 
-Gq' ( E 1 p'* + 2E2p'q'-G 1 q'*) 
+ 2 EG (p'q"-p"q') = 0. 
[11“. In the case of a surface of revolution we have 
oc=pcos>q, y=p sin q, z =p; 
E is of the form 1 + P' 2 , P' = d p P, where P is a function of p only, and we have 
ds 2 = (1 + P' 2 ) dp 2 +p 2 dq 2 , 
that is 
E=l+P 2 , E 1 = 2P'P", E 2 = 0, 
F = 0, 
G—p 2 , G 1 — 2p , ^ = 0; 

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