all touch the curve of curvature determined by the parameter 0, that is the curve
which is the intersection of the surface by the confocal surface
X? if Z 2
a+ 0 b + 0 c + 0
15. In the particular case 0 = oo, the equation becomes
Pdp 2 — Qdrf — 0,
that is
= 0,
(a+p)(b+p)(c+p) (a + q)(b +q) (c +q)
which is the differential equation of the circular curves on the surface.
16. The signification of the case 0 = 0 is not at first sight so obvious. Supposing
that 0 is first indefinitely small, and writing the equation in the form
we have the series of geodesics touching the (imaginary) curve of curvature, the
QQ 2 qj2 gl
intersection of the surface by the imaginary cone — + ~ + — = 0. These are, in fact,
Of 0~“ Of
the right lines on the surface: I apprehend that the intersection in question is not
a proper envelope, but is the locus of nodes of the geodesics, viz. each geodesic is
to be considered as a pair of lines belonging to the two sets: I do not, however,
quite understand this.
17. I say that the geodesics in question are the right lines on the surface;
viz. writing in the differential equation 0 = 0, it is to be shown that the differential
equation of the right lines is
dp dq
= 0,
— r —I— ■*
f{a + p) (b + p) (c+p) V (a +q)(b + q) (c + q)
or what is the same thing, that the integral of this equation represents the right
lines on the surface.
Writing the equation of the surface in the form
a b
t_ i _i 2
b e'
x iy _ 1
fa fb cr
we have at once