Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 8)

all touch the curve of curvature determined by the parameter 0, that is the curve 
which is the intersection of the surface by the confocal surface 
X? if Z 2 
a+ 0 b + 0 c + 0 
15. In the particular case 0 = oo, the equation becomes 
Pdp 2 — Qdrf — 0, 
that is 
= 0, 
(a+p)(b+p)(c+p) (a + q)(b +q) (c +q) 
which is the differential equation of the circular curves on the surface. 
16. The signification of the case 0 = 0 is not at first sight so obvious. Supposing 
that 0 is first indefinitely small, and writing the equation in the form 
we have the series of geodesics touching the (imaginary) curve of curvature, the 
QQ 2 qj2 gl 
intersection of the surface by the imaginary cone — + ~ + — = 0. These are, in fact, 
Of 0~“ Of 
the right lines on the surface: I apprehend that the intersection in question is not 
a proper envelope, but is the locus of nodes of the geodesics, viz. each geodesic is 
to be considered as a pair of lines belonging to the two sets: I do not, however, 
quite understand this. 
17. I say that the geodesics in question are the right lines on the surface; 
viz. writing in the differential equation 0 = 0, it is to be shown that the differential 
equation of the right lines is 
dp dq 
= 0, 
— r —I— ■* 
f{a + p) (b + p) (c+p) V (a +q)(b + q) (c + q) 
or what is the same thing, that the integral of this equation represents the right 
lines on the surface. 
Writing the equation of the surface in the form 
a b 
t_ i _i 2 
b e' 
x iy _ 1 
fa fb cr 
we have at once

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