the curve
(<r an arbitrary parameter) as the equations of a right line on the surface; viz.
considering x, y, z as denoting the foregoing functions of p and q, these two equations
are forms of a single relation between p, q, a, which relation expresses that the point
(p, q) is situate on the right line determined by the parameter er. We may from
this integral equation deduce without difficulty the foregoing differential equation; viz.
we have
dx idy 1 dz
fa \Jb a fc ’
or multiplying these equations,
dx 2 dy 2 dz 2
a b
and substituting herein for dx, dy, dz their values in terms of dp and dq, we find
the required equation
dp 2 dq 2
(a+p)(b+p)(c+p) (a + q)(b + q)(c + q)
18. I return to the integral equation involving <r : we have to rationalise this
equation, that is, obtain from it an equation containing x 2 , y 2 , z 2 , and then substituting
ature, the
for these their values in terms of p, q, we have the required relation between p, q, a.
e, in fact,
'on is not
eodesic is
We at once obtain
or if for greater convenience we introduce in place of a a new parameter <£, deter-
1 2(6
mined by the equation a 2 + — = — , the equation is
3 surface ;
Writing for shortness p + q = X, pq= Y, we have
-ßy- 2 =a 2 + aX+Y, -ya^ = b 2 + bX+Y, -aß-=c 2 + cX+Y-
' a b c
the right
and substituting these values, the equation becomes
{/3 (b 2 + bX + F) — a (a 2 + aX + F) — <j>y (a/3 - c 2 - cZ - Y)} 2 + 4a/3 (0 2 - f) (c 2 + cX+Y) = 0,
or, what is the same thing,
{¡3b 2 — a.a 2 — (f)7 (a/3 — c 2 ) + X (/3b — a.a + 4>yc) + Y(¡3 — a + <£y)} 2 + 4a/3 ($ 2 — <y 2 ) (c 2 + cX + 1 ) = 0.
19. This is an equation, quadric as regards p, and also as regards q, viz. it is
of the form
(a + 2hp + gp 2 )
+ 2q (h + 2bp + ip 2 )
+ q 2 (g+ Zip + cp 2 ) = 0,