Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 8)

divided by 
ies on the 
,r lines. 
right lines 
the sides 
sfficients of 
is possible 
t being at 
vvhich have 
atio be as 
; ± m VS dr, 
audace into 
/e the two 
s theorems 
as to the 
assume as 
}he major- 
mean, or say the minor section, 
y- z* 
w4 - 
b c 
= 1 the minor-mean, or say the major section, 
and —|— = 1 the mean, or umbilicar section. The elliptic coordinates p, q enter into 
the equations symmetrically, but we distinguish them by taking p to extend from — c 
to — b, and q to extend from — b to —a. Thus p = const, denotes the curves of 
curvature of the one kind; viz. p= — c denotes the major-mean section ~ = 1, 
p — — b the portions UTJ' and U"U'" of the umbilicar section; and q — const, denotes 
the curves of curvature of the other kind, viz. q= — b the remaining portions U' U" 
and U'"U of the umbilicar section, q = — a the minor-mean section ^ 4 “ = 1; say 
p = const, the major-mean curves, and q = const, the minor-mean curves. 
32. Hence, in order that the equation 
^ \J((a 4 p) (b 4 p)(c 4 p) (0 4p)) ~ ^ \j((« 4- q)(b + q)(c + q){0 + <?)) 
of the geodesic lines may be real {observing that we have a+p, b+p — +, c + p, 
p = ~, and a + q=+, b + q, c + q, q = ~, consequently p a (a +p) (b + p) (c + p) = +, but 
q + ( a + q)(J ) + q')( c + q) = -} ) W e must have 0 + p, 0+q of opposite signs, that is 
0 +p = + and 0 4 q = -; or 0 included between the limits a, c. Or, what is the 
same thing, — 0 is included between the limits — c, — b, say — 0 has a p-value; or 
else between the limits - b, -a, say - 0 has a q-value. This is conveniently shown 
0 G P B Q A 
in the annexed diagram of the values of —p, —q, —0• Hence on the ellipsoid we 
have two kinds of geodesic lines, each of them touching a real curve of curvature, 
viz. those which touch a major-mean curve and those which touch a minor-mean 
curve: the transition case, answering to the value 0 = b, is that of the geodesic lines 
which pass through an umbilicus. I have considered the theory more in detail in my 
memoir “ On the Geodesic Lines of an Ellipsoid, Mem. R. Ast. Soc., t. xxx., pp. 31 53, 
1872, [478].

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