Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 8)

diminishes towards zero), the integral K' alters its value only slowly, increasing towards 
a certain constant limit; but, contrariwise, K increases without limit, its value for any 
small value of m being of the form A — B log m, = oo in the limit; wherefore, as m 
diminishes, the value of the am pli tu de of the geodesic, continually increases. If 
this is =1, the geodesic touching at infinity a certain hyperbolic curve of curvature, 
in descending to touch the oval curve, makes round the hyperboloid a half-convolution, 
and then again ascends through another half-convolution to touch at infinity the same 
hyperbolic curve of curvature; viz. it makes in all one entire convolution, or say in 
descending it makes a half-convolution. But if K -=- 2K' = 2, then the curve makes in 
descending a complete convolution; and so, if K -r- 2K' = 2s, then the geodesic makes 
in descending s convolutions; and, as already mentioned, ultimately when m = 0 the 
geodesic makes an infinity of convolutions; that is, it never actually reaches the elliptic 
principal section, but has this line for an asymptote. 
51. To sustain the foregoing statements, I write 6' (=c' + m) = 1600 + m, and I 
consider the integral 
u + 1600 + m 
K' m = 100000 
(u + 2500 + m) (u + 2000 + m) (u + m) u ’ 
say for a moment this is 
Supposing m to be small, we divide the integral into two parts, say from 0 to a 
[where a, = for example 50 or 100, is large in comparison with m, but small in 
comparison with the numbers (c, &c.), 1600, &c.], and from a to oo. In the second 
part, the expression under the integral sign and the value of the integral varies slowly 
with m, and we may, as an approximation, write m = 0. We have thus 
and the first part hereof is 
viz. the integral is here 
h.l. [u + \m + Vm (ît + m)} = h.l. 
or say this is 
a + i m + Va (a + m) 
= h.l. — approximately ; 
The first term is thus 
which is 
= 4119 log—, 
5 m

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