[From the Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, vol. iv. (1871—1873),
pp. 396—404. Lead June 12, 1873.]
The following question has been considered by R. Sturm in an interesting paper,
“ Das Problem der Projectivitat und seine Anwendung auf die Flachen zweiten
Grades,” Math. Ann., t. I. (1870), pp. 533—574: Given in piano two groups of the
same number (5, 6, or 7) of points, to find points P, P' homographically related to
these two groups respectively; viz. the lines from P to the points of the first group
and those from P' to the points of the second group are to be homographic pencils.
In the present paper I require only a particular form of these results; viz. in each
group two of the points are the circular points at infinity; or, disregarding these, we
have two groups of 3, 4, or 5 points such that the points of the first group at P,
and those of the second group at P', subtend equal angles. I give for this particular
case an independent analytical investigation; but I will first state the results included
in the more general ones obtained by Sturm.
If the points A, B, C at P and the points A', B!, C' at P' subtend equal angles,
then to any given position of the one point corresponds a single position of the other
point; viz. the two points have a (1, 1) correspondence; the nature of this being, that
to any line in the one figure corresponds in the other figure a quintic curve, having
6 dps.; viz. the three points, the two circular points at infinity I, J, and one other
fixed point of that figure (say for the first figure this fixed point is (ABC)}.
If the points A, B, C, D at P and the points A', B', C', D' at P' subtend equal
angles, then the locus of each point is a cubic curve; viz. the locus of P passes
through A, B, C, D, /, J and the four fixed points (ABC), (ABD), (ACD), (BCD);
and the like for the locus of P'.