Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 8)

yes, say 
of the 
ase to 
which it belongs; thus x'XxDxF is B = c — e = x, which is Case 10, and so in the 
other instances. Observing that cases 10 and 14 occur each twice, we have thus 
(f>(x + x') — (fix — (fix' = DF multiplied into 
4 (x — 1) (Xx — X— x) x' + .. 
+ {2a;(a; —l)(a;—2 ) + X}X'+ .. 
+ 4<x (x — 1)(XV — X' — x) + . . 
+ 2x(x — 1) xX' + . . 
+ 2x (x — 3) (X — 2) x' + . . 
(10) x 2 
(14) x 2 
where the (. .)’s refer to the like functions with the two sets of letters interchanged. 
Developing and collecting, this is 
(f)(x + x) — cf)X — (f>x' = DF multiplied into 
+ 2X (Sx 2 x' + 3aV 2 + x' 3 — 10aV — ox 2 + 6x') 
+ 2X' (oc 3 + Sx 2 x' + 3aV 2 — ox 2 — 10xx' + 6x) 
— 12 (x 2 x' + xx' 2 ) + 40aV, 
and thence 
<f)x= DF multiplied into 
X 2 
+ X (2x 3 - 10x 2 + 12a;) - LX 
— 4a; 3 + 20a; 2 —lx — Xf, 
where the constants L, l, X have to be determined. Now for a cubic curve the 
number of triangles vanishes; that is, we have <f>x= 0 in each of the three cases, 
x = S, X = 6, |=18, 
„ X = 4, |=12, 
„ X = 3, £ = 10, 
and we thus obtain the three equations 
0 = 108 - 6L - SI - 18X, 
0= 88 — 4Z — SI - 12X, 
0 = 81 — SL - SI - 10X, 
giving L — 1, ¿ = 16, X= 3. Whence, finally, 
<f)x = {X 2 + X (2a; 3 - 10a; 2 + 12« - 1) - 4a; 3 + 20a; 2 - 16a; - 3£} DF. 
Second process, by correspondence. We have 
g~X~X + ^( e - e - e') = 0, 
e — e — e' + D (c — y — y') = 0,

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