Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 8)

23. Thus the first case is that of the united points (a, B), viz. we have here a 
point a on the curve, and from it we draw to the curve a tangent aB touching it 
at B; the points a and B are to coincide together. Observe that from a point in 
general a of the curve we have X — 2 tangents (X the class as heretofore), viz. we 
disregard altogether the tangent at the point, counting as 2 of the X tangents from 
a point not on the curve, and attend exclusively to the X — 2 tangents from the point. 
Now if the point a is an inflection, or if it is a cusp, there are only X — 3 tangents, 
or, to speak more accurately, one of the X — 2 tangents has come to coincide with 
the tangent at the point; such tangent is a tangent of three-pointic intersection, viz. 
we have the point a and the point B (counting, as a point of contact, twice) all three 
coinciding; that is, we have a position of the united point (a, B); and the number 
of these united points is = i + k. 
24. It is important to notice that neither a point of contact of a double tangent, 
nor a double point, is a united point. In the case of the point of contact of a double 
tangent, one of the tangents from the point coincides with the double tangent; but 
the point B is here the other point of contact of this tangent, so that the points 
a, B are not coincident. In the case of a double point, regarding the assumed 
position of a at the double point as belonging to one of the two branches, then of 
the X — 2 tangents there are two, each coinciding with the tangent to the other 
branch; hence, attending to either of these, the point B belongs to the other branch, 
and thus, though a and B are each of them at the double point, the two do not 
constitute a united point. (In illustration remark that for a unicursal curve, the 
position of a answers to a value = A, and that of B to a value = ya of the parameter 0, 
viz. A, ya are the two values of 6 at the double point; contrariwise in the foregoing 
case of a cusp, where there is a single value A = ya. Hence the whole number of the 
united points (a, E) is = i + k, and this is in fact the value given, as will presently 
appear, by the theory of correspondence.) 
I recall that I use A, = 2D, to denote twice the deficiency of the curve, viz. that 
we have A = X — 2x + 2 + k, — — 2x— 2X + 2 + £. 
25. The several cases are 
United points. 
(a, B) b-/3-/3'=2A, 
(a, c) c - 7 - 7' + 2 (b - /3 - /3') = (X - 2) A, 
(B, D) c 0 — 7o — 7o' by reciprocity, 
(a, D) d -8 -8' +2(c 0 —7„ —7 0 ') + (X-3)(b-/3-y3') = 0, 
(a , e) e —e — e + 2(d—8 — S' ) + (X — 3) (c — 7 — 7') = 0, 
(B, F) e 0 — e 0 - 6 0 ' by reciprocity, 
(a, F) f -f + 2 (e„ — e 0 — e 0 ") + (X — 3) (d — 8 — S') = 0, 
(a, g) g - % - X + 2 (f - <f> - </>') + (X - 3) (e - e - e') = 0, 
(B, II) go - %o ~ Xo by reciprocity, 
and so on.

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