Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 8)

This result includes proper solutions of the problem of finding the number of 
the triangles aBcDeF, which are such that the side ea touches the curve at a; and 
also heterotypic solutions having reference to the singular points of the curve; but 
I have not determined the number of solutions of each kind. 
36. Correspondence (a, g) : from the values of f — <£ — <£' and e — e — e, we have 
g~X~X = (X 3 — 20X 2 — 8Xa? — 4a? 2 + 125 X + 44a? — 486) A, 
and then 
x - X '-(X-8)(«-3)(Z-8)(«-8)(JT-8)(»-8). 
g = 2 (X —2) (X — 3) 2 (a? — 3) 3 
+ (X s - 20X 2 - 8Xx + 125X + 44a - 486) (- 2X - 2x + 2 + f), 
viz. this is 
g = X 4 ( ~ 2) 
+ X 3 ( 2x 3 — 18a; 2 + 52.-»— 12) 
+ X 2 (- 16a? 3 + 144a; 2 - 376a; + 142) 
+ X ( 42a? 3 — 362a? 2 + 780a? + 88) 
— 36a? 3 + 236a? 2 + 88a? 
/ X 3 ( 
+ X 2 ( 
- 20) 
- 8a? + 125) f 
+ 44a? — 486. j 
Comparing with the expression of cpx, Case 52, we have 
g - 0a? = X 4 ( - 3) 
+ X 3 ( +34) 
+ X 2 ( 2a; 3 - 18a; 2 + 44a;-79) 
+ X ( - 10a; 3 + 58a; 2 + 76a? - 84) 
— a? 4 + 10a? 3 + 15a? 2 — 84a? 
+ 1 
^ 3 ( 1)\ 
+ X 2 ( - 11) 
+ X ( 4a?- 10) f 
( + 9a? 2 — 91a? + 114, ) 
which difference must be the number of heterotypic solutions having relation to the 
singularities of the curve ; but I have not further considered this. 

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