Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 8)

principal cone meeting the tangent plane in two lines, the principal tangents, such 
that at a consecutive point P' on either of these the normal meets the normal at P; 
viz. we have the principal tangents at the tangents of the two curves of curvature 
through the point P. 
The plane through the normal and a principal tangent is termed a principal 
plane; we have thus at the point of the surface two principal planes, forming with the 
tangent plane an orthogonal triad of planes. 
11. I proceed to further develop the theory, commencing with the following lemma: 
Lemma. Given the line Xu + Yv + Zw = 0, and conic 
{a, b, c, /, g, h\u, v, wf= 0, 
then, to determine the coordinates (и г , v 1} w 2 ), (u 2) v. 2 , m 2 ) of the points of intersection 
of the line and conic, we have 
(a,..^YZ-Z v , ZZ-XZ, Xtj — Ygy 
= (bh + V v l + fWi) (fw 2 + t]V 2 + £w 2 ), 
or, what is the same thing, we have 
(a,...^-Z v , ZZ-XZ, Xr) — Ff) 2 = 0 
as the equation, in line coordinates, of the two points of intersection. The proof is 
12. Making the equations refer to a plane and a cone, and writing throughout 
Ь t], £ as current point coordinates, the theorem is: 
Given the plane X% + Yr) + Z% = Q, and cone 
(a, b, c, /, g, v, 0* = 0 5 
then, to determine the lines of intersection of the plane and cone, we have 
(a,..bY£-Z v , ZZ-X& Xt] — Ybf = 0 
as the equation of the pair of planes at right angles to the two lines respectively. 
13. Denoting the coefficients by (a), (b), &c., that is, writing 
(a,..lYZ-Z v , ZZ-XZ, X v -YZy 
= ((a), (b), (c), (/), (g), (A)£f, v, 0 2 , 
the values of these are 
(a) = bZ 2 + cY 2 — 2/YZ, 
(b) = cX 2 + aZ 2 — 2gZX, 
(c) = aY 2 + bX 2 -2hXY, 
(f) = — aYZ — fX 2 + gXY + hXZ, 
( g ) =-bZX +/YX-gY 2 + hYZ, 
(A) = - cXY+fZX + gZY - liZ\

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