Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 8)

Multiplying by X, Y, Z, and adding, the terms which contain the second differential 
coefficients disappear, and we obtain 
(A",.JX, Y, Zy = 2V[(Z8Y-Y8Z)d x p + (X8Z-Z8X)d y p + (Y8X-X8Y)d z p]-, 
so that, attending to the above value of A" +B" + G", we have the required equation 
(A") + (B") + (G") = 0. 
38. Proceeding now to form the value of {A", ...), that is, 
A" (a) + B" (b) + G" (c) + 2F" (/) + 2G” (g) + 2H" (h), 
it will be shown that the terms involving the first differential coefficients of p vanish 
of themselves ; as regards those containing the second differential coefficients, forming 
the auxiliary equations 
(A) = 2(h)Z —2(g) Y, 
(B) =2(f)X-2(h)Z, 
(G)=2(g)Y -2(f)X, 
(F) = (h) Y — (g) Z — ((6) — (c)) X, 
(G) = (f) Z — (h) X- ((c) -(a)) Y, 
(H) = (g)X- (f) Y — ((a) — (6)) Z, 
we find without difficulty that the terms in question (being, in fact, the complete 
value of the expression) are 
^((M), ..Jfrd x , dy, d z y p. 
39. As regards the terms involving the first differential coefficients, observe that 
the whole coefficient of d x p is 
+ 2 
which is 
= 2V{(g)h + (f)b + (c)g- ((h)g + (b)f+ (/) c)} 
+ y{2 ((h) BX + (b) 8F+ (/) 8 Z) - Y ((g) SX + (f) SY+ (c) SZ)}.

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