Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 8)

through each of which, in the two different planes through the axis respectively, there 
passes an ellipse and an evolute. In the assumed case a? + c 2 > 26 2 , the disposition of 
the points is as shown in the figure. 
Plane of xz, evolute is outside ellipse, 
yz, „ inside 
xy, „ cuts „ ; 
hut in the contrary case a? 4- c 2 < 2b 2 , the disposition is 
Plane of xz, evolute is outside ellipse, 
yz, „ cuts 
xy, „ is inside „ ; 
there is no real difference, and to fix the ideas I attend exclusively to the first-mentioned 
a? + c 2 > 2b 2 . 
18. In each of the principal planes, the evolute and ellipse, qua curves of the 
orders 6 and 2 respectively, intersect in twelve points, 3 in each quadrant; viz. of 
the 3 points two unite together into a twofold point or point of contact, and the 
third is a point of simple intersection; assuming for the moment that this is so, the 
figure at once shows that in the plane of xz or umbilicar plane the contact is real, 
the intersection imaginary; in the plane of xy, or major-mean plane, the contact is 
imaginary, the intersection real; but in the plane of yz or minor-mean plane the 
contact and intersection are each imaginary. The contacts arise, as will appear, from 
the umbilici of the ellipsoid, and may be termed “umbilicar centres,” or “omphaloi;” 
the simple intersections “points of outcrop,” or simply “outcrops.” By what precedes 
there are in the umbilicar plane, four real umbilicar centres (in each quadrant one); 
and in the major-mean plane four real outcrops (in each quadrant one); the other 
umbilicar centres and outcrops are respectively imaginary.

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