Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 8)

37. The umbilicar centres or points (I) belong to values such as ^ = |i = — a 2 
which are the united values in the equation between (f, (fi), viz. writing herein = £ 
the equation becomes 
(I + a ~) (£ + b 2 ) (f + c 2 ) = 0, 
so that the united values are f = £ = — a 2 , - Z> 2 or - c 2 . (It may be remarked, that 
treating this cubic as a degenerate quartic, a united value would be £ = = oo, corre 
sponding to the umbilicar centres at infinity.) 
To a value such as £ = — a 2 there corresponds (not only the value = — a 2 , but 
also) a value & = - a? + , as it is easy to verify. And the outcrops or points (II) 
P — 7 
3 f3y 
belong to such values £ = — a 2 , ^ = — a 2 + ^ _ -. 
And the nodes of the evolute or points (III) belong to values such as £ = cob 2 + co 2 c 2 , 
^ = co 2 b 2 + coc 2 (co an imaginary cube root of unity) which, as it is easy to see, satisfy 
the relation between (£, £). But to complete the theory we require to have the values 
of 7], 97! and also the coordinates of the points on the centro-surface, and of the two 
points on the ellipsoid. 
38. 1 exhibit the results first for the umbilicar centres (imaginary), outcrops 
(imaginary), and nodes of the evolute (imaginary), in the plane # = 0; secondly for the 
real umbilicar centres in the plane y = 0 and for the real outcrops in the plane ¿ = 0. 
The formulae contain an expression il which is a symmetrical function of a, /3, 7 
(or a, b, c), viz. it is 
il = 0? — /3y = /3 2 — 7a = 7 2 — a/3 = \ (a 2 + /3 2 + 7 s ) = — (/3y + 7a + a/3). 
We have 
I. £ = - a 2 , v - 
X =0, 
Y 2 = — b 2 -, 
a ’ V (Umbilicar centre). 
x — 
by = - 
c 2 z 2 = — 
-a 2 ; fi = -a 2 , Vl = -a\ 
Zj=0, \ 
Y 2 = — b 2 - 
1 a ’ [ (Umbilicus). 
7 2 _ r 2 @ 
A - c a ,

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