Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 8)

Hence comparing the two expressions in question we have 
2 (n — 4) b = ^ (n — 1) (n — 2) (n — 3) — 2b + q + Ы, 
that is, 
0 = ^ (n — 1) (n — 2) (n — 3) — 2 (n — 3) b + q + 4t, 
or, as I prefer to write it, 
0 = £ (n — 1) (n — 2) (n — 3) — (n — 3) b + \q 4- 2t; 
which agrees with a more general formula in my “ Memoir on the theory of Reciprocal 
Surfaces,” Phil. Trans, vol. CLix. (1869), [411], see p. 227, [Coll. Math. Papers, vol. vi. 
p. 356]. I consider any two residues, a &-thic residue and a Z-thic residue; to each 
intersection of these there corresponds an intersection of their projections: or the number 
of intersections of the two residues must be equal to that of the two projections. Now 
the projections being (as above) 
order (k — n + 4) n' — 3 passing (k — n + 4) r — 1 times through each point a r , 
„ (Z-%+4)%'-3 „ (J-w + 4)r-l 
the number of the intersections in question is 
= [(& — n + 4) v' — 3] [(Z — n + 4) n — 3] — £ [(& — n + 4) ?— 1] [(l — n + 4) r — 1] a,. + &>, 
where for a reason which will be afterwards explained I have added the term со: this is 
= (k — n + 4) (l - n + 4) (n' 2 — Sr 2 a r ) + (k + l — 2n + 8) (— 3n' + %rOr) + 9 — (2a r — со), 
viz. it is 
= (k — n + 4) (l — n + 4) n + (k + l — 2n + 8) (n — 6 — 20) + 9 — (Sa,. — со), 
viz. substituting for © its value, = — ^ (n — 2) (n — 3) + b, and reducing, the number is 
= kin — 2 (к + l) b — n z + 8?г 2 — 16n + 9 + 4 (n - 4) b — (2a r — со). 
But the surfaces n, k, l, having in common the curve b which is a nodal curve on n, 
besides intersect in 
kin — b(n + 2k+2l — 4t) + 2q + qt 
points (Salmon’s Geometry of three Dimensions, 2nd Ed. p. 283, except that in the 
formula as there given the singularity t is not taken account of); that is, the number 
of intersections of the two residues is 
= kin — 2 (k + l)b - (n — 4) b + 2q + 9t, 
which is equal to the number of intersections of the two projections ( J ): or comparing 
the numbers in question we have 
that is, 
— n 3 + 8?i 2 — 16n + 9+ 4 (n — 4) b — (Sa r — со) — — (n — 4) b + 2q + 9t, 
2q + 9i = 5 (n — 4) b — n 3 + 8n 2 — 16% + 9 — (2a r — g>). 
1 I remark that n + X being positive or not less than ji-3, two (n + X) thic residues meet in 
n (X + 4) (X + 6) — 12X - 39 — 4 (X + 4) - (2a r - w) points : in particular, two (n — 3)-thic residues meet in 
3n-3 - 49 - (2a r -w) points; and two (n - 2)-thic residues meet in 8n -15 - 89 - (2a r -w) points.

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