Another notion, entirely due to Cayley in its first form, is that of the Absolute;
it was first introduced in his Sixth Memoir on Quantics,* which was devoted chiefly
to his investigations on the generalised theory of metrical geometry.
It is a known property that the angle between two lines AB, AG, when mul
tiplied by 2 V — 1, is equal to the logarithm of the cross-ratio of the pencil made up
of the lines AB, AC and (conjugate imaginary) lines joining A to the circular points
at infinity; and the measure of the angle between two lines can thus be replaced
by the consideration of a projective property of an extended system of lines. Other-
examples of similar changes could easily be quoted. The purpose of Cayley’s theory
was to replace metrical properties of a figure or figures by projective properties of an
extended system composed of a given figure or figures and of an added figure.
But it is not solely owing to the generalisation of distance that the memoir is
famous. It has revolutionised the theory of the so-called non-Euclidian geometry;
and it has important bearings on the logical and philosophical analysis of the axioms
of space-intuition. The independence and the importance of the ideas, originated by
Cayley in this memoir, have never been questioned; but, as is often (and naturally)
the case with the discoverer of a fertile subject, Cayley himself did not explain or
foresee the full range of application of his new ideas. He did not recognise, at the
time when his memoir was first published, the beautiful identification of his generalised
theory of metrical geometry with the non-Euclidian geometry of Lobatchewsky and
Bolyai. This fundamental step was taken by Klein in his admirable memoir-f*, Ueber
die sogenannte Nicht-Euklidische Geometrie, which contains a considerable simplification
in statement of Cayley’s original point of view, and contributes one of the most im
portant results of the whole theory. The work of the two mathematicians now being
an organic whole, there is no advantage—at least here—in attempting to subdivide
the subject for the purpose of specifying the exact share of each in its construction.
The scope of the Cayley-Klein ideas may briefly be gathered from the following
sketch. Let A x and A 2 be two points, often called a point-pair; they are to be
either both real or, if not both real, then conjugate imaginarles so far as their co
ordinates are concerned. Let P, Q, R be three other points on the line A x A 2 ; and
let the symbol (PQ) denote
2y log
AjP . A 2 Q
A 1 Q . A 2 P
or 2i<y log
AjP . A 2 Q
AjQ .A 2 P’
according as A x and A 2 are
is manifest that
a real point-pair, or an imaginary point-pair.
(PQ) + (QR) = (PR),
Then it
so that the functions (PQ), (QR), (PR) satisfy the fundamental property of the dis
tances between P and Q, Q and R, and P and R. Consequently (PQ) may be taken
as a generalised conception of the distance between the points P and Q.
* C. M. P. vol. ii. No. 158; Phil. Trans. (1859), pp. 61—90.
t Math. Ann. voi. iv. (1871), pp. 573—625.