Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 8)

The distance BC, or say a, of any two points B, G is by definition as follows 
Radius of circle = 1: 
In A ABC, sides are a, b, c: 
angles „ A, B, C: 
OA , OB , OC are = sin p, sin q, sin r : 
OA' , OB' , OG' „ „ sin a, sin b, sin c: 
$B0C, CO A, AOB „ „ a, ¡3, y. 
_ . . BI.GJ 
a ~ 2 ° g BJf. Cl ’ 
(where I, J are the intersections of the line BC with the circle); that is, 
- - 0 /BI.CJ, /BJ.CI 
s -(- 6 j oi .j cosh cl BJ Cl BI CJ ’ 
where the numerator is 
•Jbi . BJ V CI. CJ ’ 
BI (BJ - BC) + CI (BC + CJ), = BI. BJ +CI.CJ+BC(CI-BI), 
Hence taking a for the distance BC, and sing, sinr, for the distances OB, OC respec 
tively, we have BI. BJ = cos 2 q, CI. CJ = cos 2 r; and the formula is 
, _ cos 2 q -f cos 2 r + a 2 
cosh a = ¿r 3 —- , 
l cos q cos r 
or, what is the same thing, taking a for the angle BOC, and therefore 
a 2 = sin 2 q + sin 2 r — 2 sin q sin r cos a, 
we have 
, _ 1 — sin q sin r cos a 
cosh a = 1 . 
cos q cos r 
In a similar manner, if sin a is the perpendicular distance from 0 on the line BC 
(that is, a sin a = sin q sin r sin a) it can be shown that 
. , _ a cos a 
smh a , 
cos qcos r 
the equivalence of the two formulae appearing from the identity 
cos 2 q cos 2 r = (1 — sin q sin r cos a) 2 — a 2 + a? sin 2 a, 
which is at once verified. 
Next for an angle; we have by definition 
j _ 1 , sin BAI. sin CAJ 
21 8 sin CAI. sin BAJ’

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