Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 8)

4. Show that the caustic by refraction for ‘parallel rays of a circle, radius c, index 
of refraction y, is the same curve as the caustic by refraction for parallel rays of the 
concentric circle, radius — imd.p.nr. nf rp/frnrt.imr - 
Take as usual y > 1. Imagine the ray AP (fig. 1) parallel to the axis of x, 
incident at P on the circle radius c, and let the refracted ray after cutting the circle 
radius -, cut it again in Q, and then cut the axis in R. Take <f>, <f>' for the angles 
of incidence and refraction ; sin cf> = y sin f. 
Fig. l. 
Moreover in the triangle PQO, we have sin Q : sin P = c : - ; that is, sin Q = y sin P, 
= y sin </>', = sin (j); or zQ = <j>. And then in the triangle RQO, Z R = $ — ft, Z Q = 180° — </>, 
whence ZO = <£', that is, Z QOR = <f>'. 
Consider now a ray BQ incident at Q and refracted in the direction QR; the 
index of refraction being -, that is, the denser medium being on the outside of the 
small circle. Taking 6, 6' for the angles of incidence and refraction, we have sin 6 = - sin 6'\ 
but, the refracted ray being by hypothesis QR, we have by what precedes 6' = (f>, hence 
sin 6 = - sin <f) = sin </>', that is, 0 = <//, or zBQO = Z QOR, that is, the incident ray BQ 
A 6 
is parallel to the axis of x. We have thus two pencils of rays each parallel to the 
axis, such that for any ray AP of the first pencil there is a corresponding ray BQ of 
the second pencil, the rays AP and BQ each giving rise to the same refracted ray 
PQR ; hence the two pencils have the same caustic. 
[It is proper to remark that for the ray BQ it has been assumed that the 
refraction takes place not at Q' where it first meets the small circle, but at Q; if

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