4. Show that the caustic by refraction for ‘parallel rays of a circle, radius c, index
of refraction y, is the same curve as the caustic by refraction for parallel rays of the
concentric circle, radius — imd.p.nr. nf rp/frnrt.imr -
Take as usual y > 1. Imagine the ray AP (fig. 1) parallel to the axis of x,
incident at P on the circle radius c, and let the refracted ray after cutting the circle
radius -, cut it again in Q, and then cut the axis in R. Take <f>, <f>' for the angles
of incidence and refraction ; sin cf> = y sin f.
Fig. l.
Moreover in the triangle PQO, we have sin Q : sin P = c : - ; that is, sin Q = y sin P,
= y sin </>', = sin (j); or zQ = <j>. And then in the triangle RQO, Z R = $ — ft, Z Q = 180° — </>,
whence ZO = <£', that is, Z QOR = <f>'.
Consider now a ray BQ incident at Q and refracted in the direction QR; the
index of refraction being -, that is, the denser medium being on the outside of the
small circle. Taking 6, 6' for the angles of incidence and refraction, we have sin 6 = - sin 6'\
but, the refracted ray being by hypothesis QR, we have by what precedes 6' = (f>, hence
sin 6 = - sin <f) = sin </>', that is, 0 = <//, or zBQO = Z QOR, that is, the incident ray BQ
A 6
is parallel to the axis of x. We have thus two pencils of rays each parallel to the
axis, such that for any ray AP of the first pencil there is a corresponding ray BQ of
the second pencil, the rays AP and BQ each giving rise to the same refracted ray
PQR ; hence the two pencils have the same caustic.
[It is proper to remark that for the ray BQ it has been assumed that the
refraction takes place not at Q' where it first meets the small circle, but at Q; if