Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 8)

two smith’s prize dissertations. 
for clearly this is of the form in question A + Bx + Gx- + Da?, and y becomes = y 1 for 
x — a: = y 2 for oc=b, &c. And the like for any value of n. This is known as Lagrange’s 
interpolation formula. 
The given values of x may be equidistant, say they are 0, 1, 2,..., n— 1, and the 
corresponding values of y are y 0 , y 1} ..., y n _ x ; then writing down the expression 
where, as usual, 
&y 0 = yi-yo, & 2 y 0 = y. 2 -2y 1 + y 0 , &c. ; 
then for x = 0, 1, 2, &c. the values of y are 
y 0 +&y 0 , =yi, 
y 0 + 2Ay 0 + A 2 y 0 , = y. 2 , 
or the required conditions are satisfied. 
As regards the determination of the limits of error, taking a particular case n= 4, 
suppose that we have the values y 0 , y 1 , y 2 , y 3 of y corresponding to the values 
0, 1, 2, 3 of x, and that the true value of y is known to be 
= A + Bx + Gx 2 4- Dx 3 -f Kx A , 
where A is a function of x, which for any value of x within the given values (i.e. 
from x = 0 to x = 3) is known to be at least = P and at most = Q, i.e., K > P < Q, 
where to fix the ideas P and Q are each positive, Q being the greater. Here 
calculating the interpolation value of y — Kx i (the last term Kc? by Lagrange’s formula), 
we have 
x. x—1x — 2 
A 3 2/o 
+ Ka? 
— % K 1 x{x — 2)(x— 3) 
+ 8 K<ix{x — l)(a' — 3) 
— %£-K 3 x(x — l)(x — 2), 
viz. this is the true value of y. Hence using the approximate formula as given by 
the first line, the last four lines give the error, viz. this is 
= Ko? + K 3 ^x 2 + if 2 (8^ 3 + 24x) + K x f ^ - K 3 {^a? +2ïx)+ K 3 (32x 2 ) - K x (±x 3 + Sx). 
But K x , K 2 , K 3 being each >P and < Q, this is 
> P (o?+ 8x? + 43îc 2 + 24&') 
— Q ( 14a? + S2x 2 + 30,r).

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