Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 8)

548. On Listing's theorem. . . . . . . . . 540 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. n. (1873), pp. 81—89 
549. Note on the maxima of certain factorial functions . . . 548 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. n. (1873), pp. 129, 130 
550. Problem and hypothetical theorems in regard to two quadric 
surfaces .......... 550 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. n. (1873), p. 137 
551. Tivo Smith’s Prize dissertations [1872] . . . . 551 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. n. (1873), pp. 145—149 
552. On a differential formula connected with the theory of con- 
focal conics .......... 556 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. n. (1873), pp. 157, 158 
553. Tivo Smith’s Prize dissertations [1873] . . . . 558 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. n. (1873), pp. 161—166 
554. An elliptic-transcendent identity ...... 564 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. n. (1873), p. 179 
555. Notices of Communications to the British Association for the 
Advancement of Science . . . . . . . 565 
Brit. Assoc. Reports, Notices and Abstracts of Communications to 
the Sections (1870, 1871, 1873). 
Notes and References . . . . . . . . . 569 
Prefatory Note .......... vii 
Arthur Cayley: biographical notice by the Editor . . .. ix 
List of courses of lectures delivered by Professor Cayley . . xlv 
Facsimile of the manuscript of his note on p. 569 . . Frontispiece

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