Suppose this equation has equal roots, then we have
Disct. Resit. (AP + /xQ, U, V) = 0,
the discriminant being taken in regard to A, ¡x. This is of the form
(A, ...)2 (in'll— 1 ) _ 0 ;
It is moreover clear that the nilfactum is a combinant of the functions P, Q;
and the form of the equation is therefore
mn (mtt-i)
Now the equation in question will be satisfied, 1°. if the curves U = 0, V= 0 touch
each other; let the condition for this be V = 0. 2°. If there exists a curve
AP + /xQ = 0 passing through two of the intersections of the curves U= 0, V = 0; let
the condition be il = 0. There is reason to think that the equation contains the
factor il 2 , and that the form thereof is il 2 V = 0.
Assuming that this is so, and observing that V, the osculant or discriminant of
the functions U, V, is of the form
V = (a,, ...)»(«+2771—3) (fa yn (m+2n—3)
we have
Ikn (n—i) (2m—l) + (fc—l) n (n+im—S) ^
|km (m—i) (271—1) + (k—i) m (m+m—3)
and consequently
( a yk n (71—1) k (2m—1) +J (*—1) n (71+2771—3) x
(Jj (771—1) k (27i—i) + J (k—i) m (m+2?i—3)
which is the solution of the proposed question. Suppose for instance n— 1, then
;—i) (m—l) (fo ' ^m (m—i)k+i (k—i) (m—1)_
If moreover k= 1, then