Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 8)

Suppose this equation has equal roots, then we have 
Disct. Resit. (AP + /xQ, U, V) = 0, 
the discriminant being taken in regard to A, ¡x. This is of the form 
(A, ...)2 (in'll— 1 ) _ 0 ; 
It is moreover clear that the nilfactum is a combinant of the functions P, Q; 
and the form of the equation is therefore 
mn (mtt-i) 
Now the equation in question will be satisfied, 1°. if the curves U = 0, V= 0 touch 
each other; let the condition for this be V = 0. 2°. If there exists a curve 
AP + /xQ = 0 passing through two of the intersections of the curves U= 0, V = 0; let 
the condition be il = 0. There is reason to think that the equation contains the 
factor il 2 , and that the form thereof is il 2 V = 0. 
Assuming that this is so, and observing that V, the osculant or discriminant of 
the functions U, V, is of the form 
V = (a,, ...)»(«+2771—3) (fa yn (m+2n—3) 
we have 
Ikn (n—i) (2m—l) + (fc—l) n (n+im—S) ^ 
|km (m—i) (271—1) + (k—i) m (m+m—3) 
and consequently 
( a yk n (71—1) k (2m—1) +J (*—1) n (71+2771—3) x 
(Jj (771—1) k (27i—i) + J (k—i) m (m+2?i—3) 
which is the solution of the proposed question. Suppose for instance n— 1, then 
;—i) (m—l) (fo ' ^m (m—i)k+i (k—i) (m—1)_ 
If moreover k= 1, then

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