;hen the system of lines
lines which pass through
in the common plane of
space the intersection of
j planes at two harmonic
we have on the quadric
swering in ordinary space
Derline of the other kind
erve that, as regards the
>etween the two kinds of
two systems of generating
Thus considering any two lines, the equations may be written
u = ax + (3y, u = — {ax 4- by),
v = ax + ¡3'y, v = — k {ax + b'y),
where the lines will be of the same kind or of different kinds, according as k is
= + 1 or = — 1. Observe that k is introduced into one equation only; if it had been
introduced into both, there would be no change of kind. If the lines intersect we have
{a + a)x + {/3 + b)y = 0,
{a' + ka') x + {/3' + kb') y = 0,
then answering thereto in
it, and the lines through
ine, that joining the two
>oint. And, similarly, two
taking two superlines of
trough a given point, and
in general any common
however, the given point
ine, but a singly infinite
e and through the given
of the two superlines, not
viz. the condition of intersection is
a + a, /3+6 =0,
a + ka', (3' + kb'
that is,
a/3' — a'/3 + k {ab‘ — a'b) + a/3' — a'(3 + k {ah' — a'b) = 0,
or, what is the same thing,
1 + a/3' — a'/3 + k (1 + ab' — a'b) = 0.
But we have, say
a = cos 0, /3 = sin 0, a = cos <f>, b = sin <£,
a' = — sin 0, /3' = cos 0, a' = — sin (f>, b' = cos <f>,
and thence
comparison, first the case
lation of the surface may
a/3' — a/3 = cos (# — </>) = ab' — a'b,
and the equation is
(1 + k) {1 + cos {0 — <£)} = 0,
ations of a line on the
viz. this is satisfied if k= — 1, i.e. if the lines are of opposite kinds, but not if & = + l.
And it is important to remark that there is no exception corresponding to the other
factor, viz. if k = + 1, and 1 + cos {0 — <f>) = 0, for we then have 0 — <£ = it, cos 0 = — cos 0,
sin cf> = — sin 0, and consequently the two sets of equations for u, v become identical;
that is, for lines of the same kind a line meets itself only.
>n, viz. we have a 2 + /3 s = 1,
lently a/3' — a'/3 = + 1 ; and
e sign is + or —. It is
vrite the equations
Passing to the five-dimensional space, the equation of the quadric surface may be
taken to be
u 2 + v 2 + w 2 — x 2 — y 2 — z 2 = 0,
and for a superline on the surface we have
u = ax + (3y + yz ,
v = ax + /S'y + 7'z,
w = a"x + /3"y + 7 "z,
the other kind, according
where (a, /3, 7), &c., are the coefficients of a rectangular transformation; the determinant
formed with these coefficients is = +1, and the superline is of the one kind or the
C. IX. 11