Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 9)

4. I shall ultimately, instead of k, A introduce Jacobi’s u, v (u — \/lc, v=\/\); but 
it is for the present convenient to retain k, and instead of A to introduce the 
quantity ft connected with it by the equation A = kCl 2 ; or say the value of Cl is 
= v 2 -r- u 2 . The modular equation in its standard form is an equation between u, v, 
which, as will appear, gives rise to an equation of the same order between u 2 , v 2 \ and 
writing herein v 2 = ftw 2 , the resulting equation contains only integer powers of u 4 , that 
is, of k, and we have an ft&-form of the modular equation, or say an ft/t>modular 
equation, of the same order in Cl as the standard form is in v; these ft&-forms for 
n = 3, 5, 7, 11 will be given presently. 
5. Suppose then, ft being a constant, that we have identically 
this implies 
(In fact, if 
2i = 
53 = 
B <W-1> 
— 23* • 
2i = a 4- cx 2 + ... -f qx n ~ 3 4- sx n ~ l , 
53 =b + dx 2 4-... 4- rx n ~ 3 4- tx n ~ 1 , 
21* = s + qk 2 x 2 + ... + ck n ~ 3 x n ~ 3 4- ak n ~ 1 x n ~ 1 , 
53* = t + rk 2 x 2 + ... 4- dk n ~ 3 x n ~ 3 4- bk n ~ l x n ~ l , 
and the assumed equation gives 
1 _ k? _ k n ~ 3 , _ k n -' 
a ~ CIB(«- 1 ) C ~ fipM r> q -fltow d ’ S ~ CIB {n ~v bi 
that is, 
, Cl , Me 2 Clk n ~ 3 
° - /¿Un-1) s > ( ' ~ ^j(n-i) 9» • • • » r - ¡¿hm-i) c > 
_ Clk n ~ 2 
* ~ a 5 
and therefore 53 = T ,, — 2i*.) 
[fit (W—1) 7 
3323* \ 
From these equations = H 2 > that is, = ^, as it should be; so that ft signifying 
as above, the required condition will be satisfied if only 21 = JiB^-C) ’ or substituting 
for 21, 53 their values, if only 
(P- 4- 2PQx 2 4- Q' 2 x 2 )* = ClB (n ~ 1( (P 2 4- 2PQ 4- Q 2 x 2 ), 
where each side is a function of x? of the order ^ — 1), or the number of terms is 
\ (n 4-1), the several coefficients being obviously homogeneous quadric functions of the 
£(w4-1) coefficients of P, Q. We have thus |(w4 1) equations, each of the form 
U = CIV, where U, V are given quadric functions of the coefficients of P, Q, say of 
the ^(n4-l) coefficients a, /3, 7, 8, &c., and where ft is indeterminate.

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