Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 9)

9. It will be noticed that if the coefficients of P + Qx taken in order are 
a, /3, . . p, a, 
then in every case the first and last equations are 
f.hn-1) a 2 = Ho-'-, 
2pa + a- = (a 2 + 2a/3). 
Putting in the first of these k = u 4 , il = -• , the equation becomes 
u- n a 2 = v-<r' 
where each side is a perfect square; and in extracting the square root we may without 
loss of generality take the roots positive, and write u n a — va. 
This speciality, although it renders it proper to employ ultimately u, v in place of 
k, ft, produces really no depression of order (viz. the ftA>form of the modular equation 
is found to be of the same order in ft that the standard or ww-form is in v), and 
is in another point of view a disadvantage, as destroying the uniformity of the several 
equations: in the discussion of order I consequently retain ft, k. Ultimately these are 
to be replaced by u, v; the change in the equation-systems is so easily made that 
it is not necessary here to write them down in the new form in u, v. 
10. The case a = 0 has to be considered in the discussion of order, but we have 
thus only solutions which are to be rejected; in the proper solutions a is not = 0, 
and it may therefore for convenience be taken to be =1. We have then a = u n +v. 
The last equation becomes therefore 
or recollecting that /3 is connected with the multiplier M by the relation ^ = 1 + 2/3, 
that is, 
and substituting for 1 + 2¡3 its value, the equation becomes 
that is, the first and the last coefficients are 1, 
and the second and the penultimate 
coefficients are each expressed in terms of v, M. The cases n = 3, n = 5 are so far 
peculiar, that the only coefficients are a, /3, or a, /3, 7 ; in the next case n = 7, the 
only coefficients are a, ¡3, 7, 8, and we have in this case all the coefficients expressed 
as above.

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