id factor, we have
lq - l|
= — i- (See the Table
eal acnodes, answering
and a trigonoid lying
itangents of imaginary
trigonoid having the
ate points and an in-
real contact :
a cis-centric trifolium:
trie trifolium :
it is a trans-centric
ing of three acnodes
the following Table,
le second the corre-
aoint of contact, say
foregoing formula,
and the fourth the apsidal distances, say for the radius vector X = Y, the value of
Z : X being calculated from the foregoing formula
The Table is :
X : h
z+x 2 + I + -„ + ? v /(i-l)(2 + I).
q q- q V \q J\ qj
Z = 0, X : Y=
X=Y; X :Z =
where the asterisks show the critical values of A. : h.
It is worth while to transform the equation to new coordinates X', Y', Z' such
that X' = 0, Y' — 0, Z' = 0 represent the sides of the triangle formed by the three nodes.
Writing for shortness X + Y+ Z = P, YZ+ZX + XY=Q, XYZ—R, the equation is
(q*P-Qf=4 ! (2q+l)PR.
The expressions of X, Y, Z in terms of the new coordinates are of the form X' + OP',
Y' + OP', Z' + OP', where P' = X'+ Y' + Z'; writing also Q' = Y'Z'+Z'X'+X'Y', R' = X'Y'Z',
then the values of P, Q, R are
(1+3 0)P', Q' + (20 + 3d 2 ) P'\ R'+OP'Q' + (0*+Ô*)P',