C. The potential-surface case; q = — the surface arbitrary, so that the integral is
i p dS
J {(a - xf + ... + (c - zf + (e - w) 2 p-5'
D. The potential-solid case; q = — ^, and the integral is
p dx ... dz dw
f {(a - xf
+ ... + (c — zf + {e — wf)* 8 '* ‘
It is, in fact, only the prepotential-plane case which is connected with the partial
differential equation
d- d- d 2 2o +1 d
— -i_ ... _1 ^ -—. _|—•*
da 2 dc 2 de 2 e de
considered in Green’s memoir * “ On the Attractions of Ellipsoids ” (1835), and called
here “the prepotential equation.” For this equation is satisfied by the function
and therefore also by
{or + ... + c 2 + e 2 }* s+q ’
{(a — x) 2 +... + (c — z) 2 + e 2 p+9 ’
and consequently by the integral
pdx... dz
f P±
J {(a-x) 2 +...
+ (c - z) 2 + e 2 )^ s+q
that is, by the prepotential-plane integral; but the equation is not satisfied by the value
{(a — x) 2 + ... + (c — zf + (e — wf)* s + q ’
nor, therefore, by the prepotential-solid, or general superficial, integral.
But if q = — \, then, instead of the prepotential equation, we have “ the potential
equation ”
d 2 dr d 2 \
+ ••• + +
and this is satisfied by
and therefore also by
Hence it is satisfied by
. v= 0 •
da 2 de 2 de 2 ) ’
[a 2 + ... + c 2 + e 2 f s ~* *
{(a - xf + ... + (c — zf + (e — w) 2 p-* ’
I {(a —x
pdx ... dz dw
{{a — xf + ... + (c — zf + (e — w) 2 }* 8- -
* [Green's Mathematical Papers, pp. 185—222.]