explanation. Taking cos a, .., cos y to be the inclinations of the normal at N, in the
direction NP in which the distance « is measured, to the positive parts of the axes
of (x, .., z), viz. these cosines denote the values of
dS dS
dx ’ '' ’ dz ’
each taken with the same sign + or —, and divided by the square root of the sum
of the squares of the last-mentioned quantities, then the meaning is
dW _dW
ds dx
cos a + ... + cos 7.
7. The surface S may be the plane w = 0, viz. we have then the prepotential-
where e (like «) is positive. In afterwards writing e = 0, we mean by 0 the limit of
an indefinitely small positive quantity.
The foregoing distribution-formulae then become
which will be used in the sequel.
It will be remembered that in the preceding investigation it has been assumed
that q is positive, the limiting case q = 0 being excludedf.
q = — Art. Nos. 8 to 13.
8. I pass to the case q = — 2, we here have the potential-surface integral
it will be seen that the results present themselves under a remarkably different form.
The potential of the disk is, as before,
2 (T^) s f P* 1 dr
^ J (r 2 + ’
f This is, as regards q, the case throughout; a limiting value, if not expressly stated to be included, is
always excluded.