does not meet the material surface, is a continuous curve: viz. that there is no abrupt
change of value either in the ordinate y (= V) of the prepotential curve, or in the
first or any other of the derived functions &c. We have thus (in each of
the two figures) a continuous curve as we pass (in the direction of the arrow) from
a point P' on one side of the segment to a point P" on the other side of the
segment; but this continuity does not exist in regard to the remaining part, from
P" to P', of the prepotential curve corresponding to the portion (of the circuit)
which traverses the material surface.
22. I consider first the case q = — \ (see the left-hand figure): the prepotential
is here a potential. At the point A, which corresponds to the passage through the
material surface, then, as was seen, the ordinate y (= the Potential V) remains finite
and continuous; but there is an abrupt change in the value of
, that
is, in the
direction of the curve: the point N is really a node with two branches crossing at
this point, as shown in the figure; but the dotted continuations have only an analytical
existence, and do not represent values of the potential. And by means of this branch-
to-branch discontinuity at the point iY, we escape from the foregoing conclusion as to
the continuity of the potential on the passage of the attracted point through a closed
23. To show how this is, I will for greater clearness examine the case (s+l) = 3,
in ordinary tridimensional space, of the uniform spherical shell attracting according to
the inverse square of the distance; instead of dividing the shell into hemispheres, I
divide it by a plane into any two segments (see the figure, wherein A, B represent
the centres of the two segments respectively, and where for graphical convenience the
segment A is taken to be small).
We may consider the attracted point as moving along the axis xx', viz. the two
extremities may be regarded as meeting at infinity, or we may outside the sphere
bend the line round, so as to produce a closed circuit. We are only concerned with
what happens at the intersections with the spherical surface. The ordinates represent
the potentials, viz. the curves are a, b, c for the segments A, B, and the whole
spherical surface respectively. Practically, we construct the curves c, a, and deduce the
curve b by taking for its ordinate the difference of the other two ordinates. The
curve c is, as we know, a discontinuous curve, composed of a horizontal line and two
hyperbolic branches; the curve a can be laid down approximately by treating the
segment A as a plane circular disk; it is of the form shown in the figure, having
a node at the point corresponding to A. (In the case where the segment A is