Write dS to denote an element of surface at the point (x,..,z, e). Then taking
a, .., 7, 8 to denote the inclinations of the interior normal at that point to the positive
axes of coordinates, we have
dy ... dz de = — dS cos a,
dx de = — dS cos 7,
dx dz = — dS cos 8 ;
and the first terms are together
—j— cos a + ... +
J e^ +1
W here denoting the value at the surface, and the integration being extended over
the whole of the closed surface: this may also be written
J e^ +1 W
where « denotes an element of the internal normal.
The second terms are together
dx.. dzde Wd W.
We have consequently
dW r
e *q+i w dS— dx ... dz de e^ +1 WU W.
31. The second term vanishes if W satisfies the prepotential equation □ W — 0;
and this being so, if also W = 0 for all points of the closed surface S, then the first
term also vanishes, and we therefore have
j dx ... dz de. e 2<?+1
where the integration extends over the whole space included within the closed surface;
whence, W being a real function,
for all points within the closed surface; consequently, since W vanishes at the surface,
W = 0 for all points within the closed surface.
32. Considering W as satisfying the equation Q!F=0, we may imagine the closed
surface to become larger and larger, and ultimately infinite, at the same time flattening