Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 9)

Write dS to denote an element of surface at the point (x,..,z, e). Then taking 
a, .., 7, 8 to denote the inclinations of the interior normal at that point to the positive 
axes of coordinates, we have 
dy ... dz de = — dS cos a, 
dx de = — dS cos 7, 
dx dz = — dS cos 8 ; 
and the first terms are together 
—j— cos a + ... + 
J e^ +1 
W here denoting the value at the surface, and the integration being extended over 
the whole of the closed surface: this may also be written 
J e^ +1 W 
where « denotes an element of the internal normal. 
The second terms are together 
dx.. dzde Wd W. 
We have consequently 
dW r 
e *q+i w dS— dx ... dz de e^ +1 WU W. 
31. The second term vanishes if W satisfies the prepotential equation □ W — 0; 
and this being so, if also W = 0 for all points of the closed surface S, then the first 
term also vanishes, and we therefore have 
j dx ... dz de. e 2<?+1 
where the integration extends over the whole space included within the closed surface; 
whence, W being a real function, 
for all points within the closed surface; consequently, since W vanishes at the surface, 
W = 0 for all points within the closed surface. 
32. Considering W as satisfying the equation Q!F=0, we may imagine the closed 
surface to become larger and larger, and ultimately infinite, at the same time flattening 

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