the equation of the surface being x 2 + ... + z 2 + w 2 —f 2 ; there are the two cases of an
internal point k <f, and an external point k >f (a 2 + ... + c 2 4- e 2 = k 2 as before).
where the equation of the surface is still x 2 + ... + z 2 + w 2 =/ 2 . Writing x =f%,.., z =/£,
w — fco, where f 2 + ... 4- £ 2 + ®* = B we have dS ———- , or the integral is
<w (/ 2 - 2*/w + /e 2 )^
Assume l~ = px,..,Z=pz, where xr + ... + z 2 = 1; then p 2 + co 2 = 1. Moreover, d%...d%.
= p s ~ 1 dpd'Z, where dX is the element of surface of the s-dimensional unit-sphere
4- .,. -f z 2 = 1 ; or for p, substituting its value Vl — co 2 , we have dp =
— coda)
thence d% ... d£= - (1 — co dco dt. The integral as regards p is from p = —1 to
+ 1, or as regards co from 1 to —1; whence reversing the sign, the integral will be
from co = — 1 to + 1; and the required integral is thus
(1 - <u 2 )* s — 1 dco
í 1 (1 -co^-'dcodZ = rs[ dl f 1 _0L
j J _! (/ 2 - 2fc/o) + K 2 )* S+q ’ j J ~ J _! (/ 2 -
2/cfco + K 2 )i s+q ’
r _ 2 (T 1 )*
where d2 is the surface of the s-dimensional unit-sphere (see Annex I.), = ■ i. - ;
J i j s
and for greater convenience transforming the second factor by writing therein co — cos 6,
the required integral is = multiplied by
r (*«)
sin s_1 6 dd
o (/ 2 — 2«/’cos 6 + K 2 )$ s+q ’
which last expression—including the factor 2f s , but without the factor —is the
ring-integral discussed in the present Annex. It may be remarked that the value can
be at once obtained in the particular case s = 2, which belongs to tridimensional space:
viz. we then have
7= 2*-/^' sinl)M
_ 2-77/>
o (f 2 — 2/c/cos 6 + K 2 ) q+l
(f 2 — 2k/ cos 6 + K 2 )~ q
= ^((/-0-^-(/+*)-*»).
which agrees with a result given, Mécanique Céleste, Book xir. Chap. n.
66. Consider next the prepotential of the uniform solid {s + l)-dimensional sphere,
dx... dzdw
V =
{(a — x) 2 + ...+(c — z) 2 + (e — w) 2 \^ s+q ’