Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 9)

69. In the case of the circumference, it is assumed that the attracted point is 
not on the circumference, k not = /; and the function under the integral sign, and 
therefore the integral itself, is in every case finite. In the case of the circle, if k 
be an interior point, then if 2q — l be =0 or positive, the element at the attracted 
point becomes infinite; but to avoid this we consider, not the potential of the whole 
circle, but the potential of the circle less an indefinitely small circle radius e having 
the attracted point for its centre; which being so, the element under the integral 
sign, and consequently the integral itself, remains finite. 
It is to be remarked that the two integrals are connected with each other; viz. 
the circle of the second integral being divided into rings by means of a system of 
circles concentric with the bounding circle x* + y s — f 2 , then the prepotential of each 
ring or annulus is determined by an integral such as the first integral; or, analytically, 
writing in the second integral x = r cos 0, y = r sin 0, and therefore dxdy = r dr dd, the 
second integral is 
viz. the integral in regard to 6 is here the same function of r, k that the first 
integral is of /, k ; and the integration in regard to r is of course to be taken 
from r = 0 to r=f But the 0-integral is not, in its original form, such a function 
of r as to render possible the integration in regard to r; and I, in fact, obtain the 
second integral by a different and in some respects a better process. 
70. Consider first the ring-integral which, writing therein as above x — f cos 0, 
y =f sin 0, and multiplying by 2 in order that the integral, instead of being taken 
from 0 to 2-77-, may be taken from 0 to nr, becomes 
Write cos|-0 = V#; then sin|6 = Vl — x, sin 6 = 2a?* (1 — x)%; dd = — x~^ (1 — x)~* dx; 
cos d — — 1 -f 2#; 0 = 0 gives x = 1, d = nr gives x — 0, and the integral is 
2 s 1 / s p#!«- 1 (1 _/p)!* -1 dx 
(/+ *) s+2? J o (T - ux)i* +< i ' ’ 
if for shortness 
The integral in x is here an integral belonging to the general form 
2«—i fs 
Ring-integral = H (H H ±s + q, u). 

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