69. In the case of the circumference, it is assumed that the attracted point is
not on the circumference, k not = /; and the function under the integral sign, and
therefore the integral itself, is in every case finite. In the case of the circle, if k
be an interior point, then if 2q — l be =0 or positive, the element at the attracted
point becomes infinite; but to avoid this we consider, not the potential of the whole
circle, but the potential of the circle less an indefinitely small circle radius e having
the attracted point for its centre; which being so, the element under the integral
sign, and consequently the integral itself, remains finite.
It is to be remarked that the two integrals are connected with each other; viz.
the circle of the second integral being divided into rings by means of a system of
circles concentric with the bounding circle x* + y s — f 2 , then the prepotential of each
ring or annulus is determined by an integral such as the first integral; or, analytically,
writing in the second integral x = r cos 0, y = r sin 0, and therefore dxdy = r dr dd, the
second integral is
viz. the integral in regard to 6 is here the same function of r, k that the first
integral is of /, k ; and the integration in regard to r is of course to be taken
from r = 0 to r=f But the 0-integral is not, in its original form, such a function
of r as to render possible the integration in regard to r; and I, in fact, obtain the
second integral by a different and in some respects a better process.
70. Consider first the ring-integral which, writing therein as above x — f cos 0,
y =f sin 0, and multiplying by 2 in order that the integral, instead of being taken
from 0 to 2-77-, may be taken from 0 to nr, becomes
Write cos|-0 = V#; then sin|6 = Vl — x, sin 6 = 2a?* (1 — x)%; dd = — x~^ (1 — x)~* dx;
cos d — — 1 -f 2#; 0 = 0 gives x = 1, d = nr gives x — 0, and the integral is
2 s 1 / s p#!«- 1 (1 _/p)!* -1 dx
(/+ *) s+2? J o (T - ux)i* +< i ' ’
if for shortness
The integral in x is here an integral belonging to the general form
2«—i fs
Ring-integral = H (H H ±s + q, u).