Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 9)

and the theory of the curve is connected with that of a quasi-elliptic integral 
depending on this radical. 
[From the Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. xm. (1875), 
pp. 211—216.] 
Consider the cubic curve 
a? + y 3 + z s + 6lxyz = 0. 
If through one of the inflexions z = 0, x + y — 0, we draw an arbitrary line 
z — u (x + y), we have at the other intersections of this line with the curve 
u [id (x 4- y)- + 6lxy| + a? — xy + y' 2 = 0 ; 
that is, 
(w 3 + 1) {a? + y‘ 2 ) + 2xy (w 3 4- 3 la — 0 = 0; 
and from this equation it appears that the ratio x : y is given as a function involving 
the square root of 
( u 3 4- 3 lu — — (u 3 4-1) 2 , 
which, rejecting a factor 3, is 
= (2u 3 + 3 lu + U (lu — 0- 
It may be noticed that lu — ^ — 0 gives the value of u, which in the equation z — u(x+y) 
belongs to the tangent at the inflexion; and 2u 3 + 3lu + ^ = 0 gives the values which 
belong to the three tangents from the inflexion. 
It thus appears that the coordinates x, y, z of any point of the curve can be 
Expressed as proportional to functions of u involving the radical 
f{(lu — •§■) (2 u u 4- 3 lu 4- 2 )}>

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