that is,
and passing the
so that we have
Hence, for the
SQ = 0; that is
at any such p(
that is, there i
surface z = P a
angles to each
(— a, b, affx, 8;
[From the Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. X. (1870),
pp. 262, 263.]
In what follows I write x, y, z in place of Mr Walton’s u, v, w: (so that if
i = 1), as usual, we have
f(x + iy) = P + iQ) :
and I attend exclusively to the case where the second differential coefficients of P, Q
do not vanish.
There are not on the surface z = P any proper maxima or minima; but only level
points, such as at the top of a pass: say there are not any summits or imits, but
only cruxes; and moreover at any crux, the two crucial (or level) directions intersect
at right angles. Every node of the curve Q = 0 is subjacent to a crux of the
surface z = P; and moreover the two directions of the curve Q = 0 at the node are
at right angles to each other; hence, considering the intersection of the surface z = P
by the cylinder Q = 0, the path Q = 0 on the surface has a node at the crux ; or say
there are at the crux two directions of the path ; these cross at right angles, and are
consequently separated the one from the other by the crucial directions; that is to
say, there is one path ascending, and another path descending, each way from the
crux. And the complete statement is; that the elevation of the path is then only a
maximum or minimum when the path passes through a crux; and that at any crux
there are two paths, one ascending, the other descending, each way from the crux.
The analytical demonstration is exceeding simple; we have
C. IX.