Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 10)

19. The result would have been similar, if the adjoined equality had been = -™ 
(T a function of x, y, z, iv), but in reference to subsequent matter, I retain the 
equality = dt, and adjoin a second equality = (fi a function of x, y, z, w); we 
where H, X 
have then the integral t — r as before, and another integral 
are first expressed as functions of x, a, b, c, but after the integration a, b, c are 
replaced by their values as functions of (x, y, z, w), say this is the integral V — A; 
this, when the integrals a, b, c are known, is (like t — r) obtained by a quadrature. 
20. Attending only to the adjoined equality = dt, we can by means of the four 
integrals express each of the variables x, y, z, iv as a function of a, b, c, t — r; viz. 
these four equations, regarding therein t — r as a variable parameter, are in fact 
equivalent to the equations a = const., b = const., c = const., which connect the variables 
x, y, z, w with the integrals a, b, c regarded as constants. 
21. All that precedes is of course applicable to a system of n — 1 equations 
between n variables, the number of independent integrals being = n — 1. 
22. I take an example with the three variables x, y, z\ the differential equations 
dx _ dy _ dz 
® (V ~ *) y{?-x) z(x-y)’ 
and therefore the partial differential equation 
The integrals are a = x + y + z, 6 = xyz; and it will be shown how either of these 
integrals being known, the system is reduced to a single equation between two 
variables, say x, y. 
First, a being known, = x + y + z as before, we have 
x(y-z)=x(x + 2y - a), y(z-x) = y (a - 2x - y), 
and the system is 
x (x + 2y — a) y (a — 2x — y) ’ 
which has the integral b = xy (a — x — y)\ observe that this is a solution of the partial 
differential equation 
x(x + 2y - a) -^+ y (a- 2x- y)^ 
For a putting its value we find b = xyz.

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